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Why invite the devil into your life and blame God for not saving you? Nana Addo did not invite any Al Qaida criminals into Ghana, Mahama did. Whether he was briefed or not does not matter. NDC is looking for American favour t ...
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For the records, Mahama did not invite the GITMO 2 either, the President only responded to the call to strengthen our country's bilateral terms with the US.
After all, this people are place under strict security watch and ...
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The america man is engaging in psychological projection,simple. See, this man on one breadth is pointing accusing finger that people are doing partisan politics, the same thing he is doing to help ndc. Because if this man was ...
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Either the president or the US ambassador is playing dumb here just to hide from the anger of Ghanaians.
What is the essence of consultation? To help you make a wise decision, even you are dumb. informing nana Addo about a d ...
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nana addo intolerance,,hate,,arrogance had been extended onto the us,liar,,liar liar
Shifting blame to Nana is ill. You can say what ever you you want it want help Mahama. He took the decision and the money and therefore needs to take the responsibility for that. NPP has no deal in it. It is the devil decisio ...
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Mahama accepted the terrorists for only God knows why, then realize Ghanaians will not be happy with such a childish decision, so he sent the foreign minister to get the US to inform Nana Addo, at a time that the terrorists w ...
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not the same...ENG 101
look up the words in your dictionary
Okay he was informed. Mahama has trapped Nana by getting him to be crossing swords with the US ambassador.
Egbert you seem to know more than what the americans are aiming at
This US ambassador thinks we wash our face upwards. He is trying to feed us a COCK AND BULL STORY thinking we are naive.If it were possible to leak all the correspondence regarding the GITMO 2 saga, all what you are telling u ...
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Lawyer Egbert, your English is deficient. The man never said he consulted Nana addo, he they did talk to him. The meaning of his statement is simple......He consulted with others and they then talked to Nana addo. Some lawy ...
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Consulted,talked to or informed Akuffo first denied in January that he had no knowledge about the issue. Therefore that makes him a big liar now that he has somebody from the US embassy came to his residence to say something ...
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Even at the point where the truth has been revealed that NPP still still stands by lies.
However we the good people of Ghana have really realised who nana addo as a personality is. And the reality is that, we are not ready ...
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Please is NANA ADDO is the president of GHANA wake up
Yeah, agreed he might not be. So what prevented him long ago to have come out clean on this. What is the point on being approached and not been bold to tell the nation that you were indeed approached, but have lied to the na ...
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Kofi I sympathize with you on that feeling. But don't worry. It is because we have a President who does not want to take responsibility for his poor decisions. Mahama wants Nana Addo to take the blame for an action he took wi ...
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Nancy, you seem to be a bigot and nothing will ever change your mind. What you have written makes no sense, not one bit...
I thought you did want to have made sense since you said i made known, but it appears you made things worst.
But enough of it. The NPP and Nana have lied to us all this while and this is my concern. We cannot have a presid ...
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Nancy, you seem to be a bigot and nothing will ever change your mind. What you have written makes no sense, not one bit...
The truth hurt. NPP does not want to hear the truth. Anybody who tells the truth and is not in their favour, the NPP resort to insults.
Is nana the president of Ghana, 4get of this foolish idiot.
Was Nana the President when he claimed to be presenting us with the truth state of the Nation Address?
That is not even the issue, but, why on earth he lie to Ghana's when it is our mandate you need to rule. How can we tru ...
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Please shut up evil people NPP& Egbert FOOl; Who the fuck is NANA & evil killers NPP. Is Nana bigger than Ghana. Shame on you NPP everything you evils making life difficult for Ghana to rule or governed. You NPP evil thought ...
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i think nana addo must not be making further statements concerning gitmo 2.he should be quiet so that the matter will rest.eventually,communication between the US and him could be revealed to him and it will embarass him.nana ...
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Nana denied knowledge of the arrival of the two Gitmo prisoners that's why the embassy came out to tell the people of Ghana what happened. Nana Addo simply is a double tongued man. Period
Nana Addo has always maintained that he was informed a day before it was announced that the terrorists had arrived in Ghana. Those who keep changing their stories are the US officials and Mahama. First he said he did so on Ch ...
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The ambassador is now doing political propaganda ( lies ) for this criminal national destroyers company ( ndc ).
I think the USA ambassador has been paid to lie to Ghanaians on the stupidity of America corruption on GITMO d ...
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Go and suspend the US ambassador too. Idiots
use your ayigbe name, ofui
To you there is no akan as a member of the NDC, right?
Damn Skimpy Right, Mr Akufo-Addo had no choice in the matter. He is not the minister of justice. Someone else is. NPP lack a lot of reasoning power when it comes to politics. I know what exactly is wrong with NPP. They have a ...
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So far, I CONCLUDE NANA is a liar and WILL NEVER Vote for him!!!
Why did he say in Jan. he knew NOTHING about the transfer ???
A liar Dwarf imposing as a Lawyer without classmates and ANY CERTIFICATE !!! Tweaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...
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Give one sentence that indicates that Nana ADDO lied? Where you not in Ghana when America embassy issue a statement earlier that Nana ADDO was informed a day prior to the arrival of the corrupted GITMO saga?
Now what is the ...
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That is correct. So he had fore-knowledge of thier arrival in the country. He should therefore not pretent " it was a bolt from the blue" True he should not have been consulted cos he has no power to say I agree or I refuse t ...
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Go to hell! The fact is the NPP either knew or did not know about the arrival of these guys in the country. It has been confirmed that the NPP knew, period. Cut the crap!
They inform or no inform how much did mahama and NDC criminals received from USA that important some one answer me here
Egbert shut up with your copy and paste attitude. You are one of those stupid Ghanians who get up in the morning to decide agendas on radio stations. You waste all the day and do nothing to contribute to the national effort. ...
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Thank you Bachus for giving it to this guy who thinks he knows every and nobody knows anything.
Ghanaians opposition partys are unfair to the American government on this deal because the U.S. are being doing ghana more favours no body heard you sayingm
its dis the truth or we should wait for another one?hmmm,a country of jokers. we HV serious issues like Soo many youth re in de house noe unemployed, will dis discussions send them to their camp?no,so,what's up? wise up Ghana ...
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Mr Egbert Faibille cannot tell us that he speaks English better than the American Embassy.Nana Addo as a lawyer can deny by presenting facts with date and time he was contacted but not by just going back and forth.Thank you.
Mahama government can do anything.
The man was high on drugs and can't remember anything. The US don't joke with their relationship s
The American embassy here in Accra thinks they are Smarter than Nana Addo.
Akuffo Addo is a Renowned Lawyer, Proficient in both the English and French languages. Let Obama and his Chicago gang know that the NPP is Larger t ...
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The US Ambassador mentioned something about foreign policy and politics and the fact that it should be apolitical and a have a bipartisan focus and regrets it has taken a political dimension. And that set me thinking to under ...
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What date and place was Nana Addo informed and what time did the Gitmo 2 arrive in Ghana?As simple as abc,this is what I expect a learned lawyer to do.Thank you.
Boy, do yourself good by visiting NPP or Nana's website, you will find all you need about this issue and stop showing your anger on the lawyer. It pays to do research and learn more than letting someone give you false informa ...
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These NPP guys are idiots. Egbert said Nana Addict had no choice. Of course he is not the president. How can a liar be president? He can be in opposition and lie thru the teeth.
Egbert Faidille, you have no clue about what is going on in the world as far as the Gitmo 2 ex-detainees are concerned to seat in Ghana, with limited knowledge to say that the U. S., Ambassador goofed. Would you and others st ...
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Mr Faibille, there are two issues at stake now:
1. Akuffo addo being consulted or informed about these two, even if it was while they were on their way coming before he was informed,
2. He not knowing anything about it at a ...
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This foolish man, thinks he understands English language more than the US Ambassador. We know he is telling the truth whether NPP like it or not
Daasebre Yeboah- Asuanah, being an American Ambassdor do not him an expert in the use of the Queen's Langue, since most Americans don't speak good English. I live in California, I attended an adult school and proceeded to col ...
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This ambassador is not telling just want create confusion in Ghana first of all, he is speaking from Americans version that if you call someone to tell him, what we have for you means you have consulted or sought for his opin ...
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This Nancy Gordon is the girlfriend of one of the big shots in the NDC and getting some yafuyafu money,so her hatred for nana addo dankwa akuffo-addo is not a surprise.but today she is happy while Ghana is sinking & she just ...
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K. just forget that Nancy (fool). Its difficult for a fool to reason with brainy individual. Majority Ghanaians have the same thinking ability like that Nancy hence they cant differentiate right from wrong. 'Consult and info ...
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if mahama did not return these 2 alqaeda grp when nana comes to power nov 7, he will depot them to where they came frm. God bless and protect GHANA
Why do you guys believed what this guy. The guy is lying, this so called American guy is taking Ghanaians for granted , look what they did to Libya. Stop pampering these white. He should tell us when and where did he consul ...
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EveryOne is wrong excerpt themselves, oh NPP and their bootlickers when will you realise that you are not the only people with wisdom.
Stop splitting hairs. ......were either on their way to Ghana or had arrived in the country.....which is which.
Involving such delicate issues, all major role players must, for the sake of diplomatic courtesy be info ...
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"Consult" and "inform" are the key words playing in here. By the way what was Nana Addo got to play in this? In what capacity was he to even be contacted at all in the issue?