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UBA is owned by the Federal Government of Nigeria and so if Tekper wishes to invest Ghana Government's money why did he choose UBA over GCB, ADB or NIB which are Ghana Government owned.
Is Tekper patriotic at all? Indeed, we ...
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USMAN, it seems that you are in the wrong forum. Read the news very well, understand it and then give your comment. I see this as a political propaganda from you. Sorry
Go way you.
why not deport the GITMO duo and the illegal Arabs first? They can be of more threat to Ghana.
The rights of refugees must be respected by the government of Ghana. These people have their rights as per United Nations and the International Red Cross Society.
How are they going to survive in Ghana when over 65% of the youth in the country have no jobs
how did they cross Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, and Togo; now this is clearly the results of the so-called visa on arrival nonsense to Africans Mahama put into practice ; this Mahama guy lacks wisdom, a ...
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I just saw the picture of the chief of Klikor in volta region with Nana Addo. Oh No! It was like a father talkin to his son. Nana is so short he doesn't look like a presidential material.
The Refugee Board must not rush to send these folks back into danger, assuming they were telling the truth.
It could well have been that some unscrupulous 'Contractor' took their monies with the promise of taking them to ...
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Where are the ndc government so called compassionate people
They must be protected and their case properly heard.
Mahama's right of moment is the right direction.
Wait till Eritrean ladies start descending on Ghana and you would not like whose cheating cheap women you've made as w ...
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Do not send them back u need to respect the rights of the refugee
Have mercy; don't be callous
These refugees are really a bunch of simpletons.If someone promises you to America how then do end up in western part of Africa?Even a mad man knows one thing for sure that no one can walk from the Congo to America.Please sen ...
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