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The real human being believe that Nana Addo can do the job but idiots will spew insults and say all sort of things against this noble man.
Nana live longer and God bless you.
Are you any different from the Idiots?
you are a big fool ok? Fuck you and your funking Nana.pussy.
This Nana's outline of vision for the country isn't necessary, because the NDC are fishing for ideas, plain and simple.
Did you hear Asiedu Nketia give a date for the launch of NDC manifesto, NO! It's because these bunch a ...
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The country has been mismanaged for so long that the only way to reset affairs and put things in the right direction is unfortunately through war . Our gold and all natural resources are of no benefit to the people despite ov ...
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The dogs, cats, pigs and many four leg animals, they strictly loves their own at birth and will treat anyone else as an alien in their mist; they will extend this differentiation sometimes to their owner unless it is for food ...
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If wishes were horses beggars will ride.
Nana talk is cheap. You have no stamina and intelligence to perform those functions.
But mahama has right? If such useless person is able to rule Ghana for this long then NANA ADDO DANQUAH AKUFO ADDO will be King Solomon of our time.
Same to you, you son of a bitch
Mahama tried his best but the position he has brought the country is unsustainable dangerous to our very existence as a nation.My first choice is Paa Kwesi Nduom followed by Nana Akufo.Mahama is my fourth choice behind Nana K ...
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No wise man will post an insult. Check yourself and think about Ghana. I am not an Npp guy but for Ghana sake Nana said it right. Mahama is always trying his best but his best is not enough. Accept this fact.
You are a fool with your nana
You are a fool with your nana
You are a fool with your nana
Is he the only wise man in Ghana?
A real wise man will not have his house divided.
(A) NDC executives are FRAUDSTERS AND PICKPOCKET - Amasa Namoale, MP Ladadekotopon
(B) 60% of those in government are THIEVES - JJ Rawlings, founder of the NDC PARTY himself.
It is only a fool who would close his ears t ...
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(A) NDC executives are FRAUDSTERS AND PICKPOCKETS - Amasa Namoale, MP Ladadekotopon
(B) 60% of those in government are THIEVES - JJ Rawlings, founder of the NDC PARTY himself.
It is only a fool who would close his ear ...
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Did you listen to him when he was criticising J. A. Kufuor?
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Who told you JJ is the owner of NDC? No no no one can own a political party; you can found a party but you can't own it. In Ghana for example, you need at least 300 founding members to found a single party.
U r telling me NDC is united.hahahahaha. The founders wife has left the party n formed her own . Owner of the party JJ always on NDC case in the news everyday .keeping internal wrangling will one day explode
may God forgive ghanians, for they don't know what they are saying. you want this foolish thief man to become president of ghana? May God forgive your sins.
From where in your insensitive mind did this noble become a thief? Just give me one example beside talking about a stupid drill ship which was an Ndc propoganda.Otherwise shut up, illiterate fool and let Ghana deserve its nob ...
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No wonder;insult upon insult;those kink of rthetoric won't win election
the drill ship! you said one example
Apuu, Tweakai. Look, Mahama cannot lead two goats into the bush and bring them back alive let alone taken care of twenty four million people.
You are fooooool whose house is divided even your own brother will always not agree with
But wiser than your entire family members put together, who doesn't know Afoko and the rest are working for ndc within npp ?
talk is cheap n only fools will dance bcos you have made promises
Even that stupid father of yours who has failed u in life u still praise him. Useless being n a stupid name pilolo .ne kwasia bi
Fuck you all nana and his n.p.p supporters.pussy
Your brainless attitude demonstrate your lunatic character, very common among Apes and Gorillas. Npp is not in power since 8 years and only God knows what NDC have done to mother Ghana !
He cant even build a party let alone the entire Ghana. A man with wisdom puts his home in order first. If want a wise man dont go far, Mahama is one, just look at the way Mahama has succeeded in putting NDC together, that is ...
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Ma bro dont go der n worry urself. A foolish person will continue to be foolish no matter the efforts u take n this happens even in our homes. Do u noe de number of tyms Nana Addo has tried to resolve this issue n not to even ...
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Ghanaians just hate this son of a CIA Agent called Nana Addo. Nana Addo's father was the leader of the unpatriotic Ghanaians who were recruited by the American CIA to spy against Nkrumah's government.
Besides Ghanaians lov ...
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You called your fellow citizens idiots?
Lord Jesus For give them Who insult
Let your well be done
Why ndc fools scared when this great man open his mouth? Witchzards and witches party ndc who want to destroy Ghana resources listen either by hock or crock Nana Addo is going to be a president, Mahama rigged last elections b ...
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Transforming Ghana through COCAINAZATziON would be the best way much faster and cheaper
Look at an idiot!
Because l said the truth look at how you fools are attacking me for without tangible reason. Nokware ye baako pe! Maka a maka you cannot do anything to me. I look down upon you all who stand against me. Okay?
Omanba pa , don't be deceived . Nana Addo's track record does not support his rhetorics. He is just deceiving Ghanaians because he is desperate for power. He would retire from politics in a few months time . Stop the insult a ...
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These few NDC communicator s think they can fool us all.. Hahaahah I laffff. Massa u better keep the little u have stollen for u will have the biggest shock of your life. We are enjoying dumsor, high utility, poor roads, unfu ...
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Stop the attack and face de fact, the fact is that nana ado is an ajent of positive chainge and he will surely make ghana a better place.
Ghanaian idiot? Do you expect IDIOT GHANAIAN to vote for Nana Addo? You are one the supporters who are bringing Nana down. Stop it, Ghanaians are not IDIOTS
The likes Kofi Adams,Anyidoho,Bokor,Bature,Ofosu Kwakye the list goes on and on and hopefully they read and understand this.Can you believe it,these little minders saying Nana Addo has no message?
Marvellous Nana Addo.
Do you think if it was allowed for only wise people to comment,you would have gotten the chance to type nonsense
you are a blind and fool suppofter who doesnt like the truth
Your mother in house is idiot becauseshe said we shouldn't vote for Nana addo
During the wedding rehearsal, the groom approached the pastor with an unusual offer.
"I'll give you $100 if you'll change the wedding vows," the groom said. "When you get to me and the part where it asks if I promise to 'lov ...
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very funny! nana is promising what he can't even think of. he should have prove to us by making the NPP attractive! the only one bawumia that suppose to know little bit but he also turns to be garbage collector, taking everyt ...
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Your comment is just on point.
He was part of the NPP that couldn't transform Ghana in their 8 yrs. They wasted our time and drove away investors for a whole year all in the name of election petition. Again they never want ...
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I don't think he can handle the job. He didn't say where he is going to get the money from.
From your mothers prostitution business
U re fooooool
Thank you my friend. this foolish man is a thief. Nana pussy addo.
You really need a brain sugery to support your myoptic vision.Only idiots targets an invisible objectives.Nana Addo have no pussy but cats !
Taxes are collected to be used for taking care of the nation and not to line individual pockets as we are seeing under NDC. Nana will get the money through taxes etc.
Politics is very cheap in Ghana. Just wake up and say what you want and no one will question you on how those promises will be financed. Nobody is doubting Nana but without a supporting budget and identified source of finance ...
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Nana addo is the most useless political figure in the world. Do not waste your votes on that all die be die man because mahama will retire him in November . nana addo is a war monger, divisive and very arrogant
If Ghana has such kind of people how can a nation like this will move ahead? Some Ghanaians have animal brains in their heads so they cannot think right and you are one of them. Okay?
God willing, Nana Addo will definitely come. We are tired of this incompetent, no vision, corrupt, wicked, arrogant and backward Mahama administration. THe can't buy common chalk for schools. Yet, they boast of transforming G ...
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Is Nana able to buy chalk for Kyebi his home town? loose talk. We dont need a divisive leader like Nana.
Buying chalk for school is not the responsibility of Nana. The government collect taxes so it is the government's responsibility to buy chalks. Think and reason like a human.
Think and reason as well! His CIA agents cousins overthrew Nkrumah for industrialising Ghana. 5O years later he comes back to tell us about industrialisation.What a prick! we will retire him for good in November. Fullstop!
Whose CIA overthrew Nkrumah? Do you have any concrete evidence that linked Nana to the overthrow of Nkrumah? I am commenting on why Nana should not buy a chalk and here you are talking about CIA and Nkrumah. Yeah, retire N ...
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Oh, I thought Bawumia says the npp will scrap most of the taxes?
VAT is still with us despite their promise in 2000. People even lost their lives for Nana Addo Trump and the NPP in going on demonstrations against the VAT.
I just a military govt so these thieves will arrested and fired on by guns and reintroduce politics again to detaire anyone from stilling from poor Ghanaian
Do you have to make a major policy statement only when outside Ghana?
That is where the " thinking" human beings are. Hopefully you are in Ghana and people like you do not deserve to hear intelligent policy statements.
You mean the Tesco cleaners and MMBA security guards?
That is a conceivable compelling vision anchored on the current exigencies of the times with a long term outlook on progressivism that brings socio-economic development and growth to all spheres of life of the average Ghanaia ...
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He could not tell how he will fund those so called development program, just loose talk, even a child can read out from the paper he read through.
It is trite knowledge the NDC gov't and party doesn't read and even if they read, they don't understand. Now go back to article again, careful and slowly read it 3x and come back again if you still have any problems understan ...
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For those asking how he will fund his vision, it's simple. One easy way he can generate revenue is to take those stupid photos off those buses and rent that space for advertisement! Is this too difficult to understand? The in ...
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Cheap talk, if there are no good roads, Moré newly built SHSs stable power generationn etc Can he execute even one of his vision. Mahama had put up the foundation let us help him to complete It. Nana eye red
Akufo Addo is failing to te;lll the concrete step he'll take to actually those vission, Ghana isn'yt t like the NPP which you have divided
Look, commonsense is paramount and those who lack are doomed. The fact that you cannot do something does not mean nobody can. During your school days, it is the same teacher who teaches the entire class but during exams, so ...
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Very brilliant vision.
God is your strength Nana.
Good to know your plans "if" u win. What are ur plans and strategy to actually get the votes to win?
Violence vision . Ivory Cost vision. No massage from France .
He has the brainpower,he has the charisma,he has the diplomacy,he has the passion,he has the pedigree,he has the panache,he has the gravitas and above all he has the love for country to make Ghana the pride of Africa !
The ghainains give atta Mills the chance to rule the same will people will same.8 years is good for ndc
Nana is never in uk for any fundraisng activities. He in the uk for a mefocal checl up
This is what every government on the planet hopes for, every student who has sat in an Economics class knows this is the fundamentals of the course. What vision?
nana should get lost with his lies .just come home and not abroad very useless man with no common sense.
Sufian! Why do you want everyone to know that you are uncultured and uncivilized. Is that how your parents trained you. Why would you call sb old enough to be your father "useless", all because of politics . You are cursed. S ...
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Sufism or whatever you called yourself what can you as individual will do to move Ghana forward? Tell the world odwanfunu like mahama.
All die be die, thief, thief, too short, too short for the big job.
Animal know that a short man is never a half man,you are a huge senseless dump.
The real President of Ghana .God bless u
Stupid and incompetent Avuukoklo mahama will go by hook or crook. Stupid fool! !!
Nana this time u are the winner come rain or shine Insha Allah u are the next president.
Why? Is he destined to become the President of Ghana? His leadership style is too brutal; it reminds me of what I read about Adolf Hitler!
Hahahaha...Nana Addo paaa, he's now in a rush to come out with these cock & bull policies after the NDC accused him of having no campaign message in this year's election. Sooo shameful & laughable. Desperation galore!
Okumsono, what will inform your choice of political paty or vote? If Cock and bull policy...will addrss unempoyment, unbearable taxes, unstable currency, high utility taritghs, endemic corruption, and lack policy direction ...
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Okumsono, what will inform your choice of political paty or vote? If Cock and bull policy...will addrss unempoyment, unbearable taxes, unstable currency, high utility taritghs, high interest rats, high inflation, high sens ...
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if nana Addo can not slove the problems of the party he represant how can he asure us about what he is saying, beside all he is saying now is his party manifisto which will not hlep us vote the NDC vote for MAHAMA.God Bless ...
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I've been thinking seriously in recent times; Nana Akufo-Addo is really bent on becoming the President of Ghana by all means necessary! And this appears to be his last attempt. So if he doesn't win this year's elections, what ...
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And will be do what you are suggesting he should do to earn your vote?
Will he do what you are suggesting he should do to earn your vote?
That is why I like Nana unless john mahama who has distroyed Ghana economy .no wonder is advising Ndc . we will teach Ndc lesson come November7th
correction what is saying can he slove the issues in his party he should give us a break.NANA ADDO lose talk. vote for mahama Nov.7.
To aba pa...To maNana Addo Ne
NPP ...3ny3 Saaa...U Dey Do Urself..
Someone tell me where I can find the full NPP manifesto.
All this measures sound great but I will like to find out how it will be implemented and how those amounts will be raised. Thank you!
I expert uto think deep. Have u finish reading ndc manifesto. We de npp are not inn competition wit any party. We were de first to came out our manifesto last four years nd our policies were copied by de useless ndc. While t ...
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Taxes are not collected just to propagate lies to win election at all cost. Mahama is always talking about winning the next election with one touch. What is going on in the country does not bother him at all. Ghana is the on ...
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Kwame boatieng and others, you guys should be very careful about your alterances. In this world nothing last for ever whether your tall or short,handsome or ugly. We travel to lean not insult your elders
The change that we as nation need not speaking from one side of the mouth and promise that he can not deliver the dead goat Mahama is dead and FRIED coming is new change we all can believe in apuuuu
I want to see how NPP is going to win without any political alliance.They are repeating the same mistakes,they have not learnt a single lesson from previous defeat.I can't wait for Nov.7th to hear some people crying for a sto ...
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we tired of ndc not solving our basic problems. just try to do what u r promising when u come.
Did mahama tell ghanaians where he will get money to DAT alo SHS
Nana you lied cannot do anything
Mahama has fallen below thinking because of Repeating Polished Lies.! VOTE to Cast Mahama OUT from Office and Give Ghana a Clean Break !.
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I'm glad you admit that he has good ideas. For those asking how he will fund his vision, it's simple. One easy way he can generate revenue is to take those stupid photos off those buses and rent that space for advertisement! ...
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massa go sleep u ve nothing better 4 gh.
The Rest of the World will Laugh at the Stupidity of Ghanaians if Counterfeit President Mahama is Rewarded with another chance to Finish the Destruction of Ghana.! -VOTE to Cast Mahama OUT from Office and Give Ghana a Clean B ...
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If Mahama is counterfeit then what should we call your nana who Rawling's wife, Nana Konadu, labelled as fake lawyer ?
You can't spell you own name and you are labelling Nana as a fake lawyer? I hope you understood the article well.
KWAME boaten I don't think u pay sch fees like u will never talk dis NKWASIASEM to incoming prez NANA
MAHAMA is the LUCIFER of Corruption, the bringer of Pain and suffering to Ghana.MAHAMA Should Start Writing his Hand-Over Notes and Choose his Prison to Serve.Mahama is a Criminal on the Loose and Ghana will exists as a count ...
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Mahama is a Fraud,con-Man,Fake,Thief and a Counterfeit President!.
On Elections Day, Ghanaians should come out and vote to baptize Mahama with Fire and Kick Mahama Out of Office.!
Well said, Nana. But were are you going to get the money?, because the nation's coffers have been looted by the failed Mahama government.
Zongo president.
Azumah Nelson, I may ask do you know anything about your economy? He's going to use the countries resources to develop it and not to pocket them as it is in the current government
Where will Nana Addo get the money to implement all these policies?
It is significant that he has said nothing about bringing down our national debt and controlling inflation.
How are Zongos to be developed?
Ghanaian ...
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Just ask what Mahama he is doing with the money in the treasury and stop worrying where Nana will get the money for what he had outlined.
People who use their brains are always ahead of their peers. Commonsense is paramou ...
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Only wee smoking guys will believe this fool nana motstiahone, you sold your fathers properties because of power,foolish man you loss again,korsiah
Criminals are Harmless compared to what Mahama is Doing.! Ghana needs a Clean Break from the Mahama HORROR and Decay.!
Only wee smoking guys will believe this fool nana motstiahone, you sold your fathers properties because of power,foolish man you loss again,korsiah nana wee,nana cocaine nana patapahene,
Counterfeit President Mahama is a Shameful Disgrace to Ghana.The Mahama Comedy of errors includes the Independence Day Fiasco,
World-cup Fiasco,GITMO-2 Fiasco,DUMSOR Fiasco,ECG Billing Fiasco.
-VOTE to Cast Mahama OUT !.
NDC hears and they shever.... NDC will quickly run to revise it's manifesto. NDC/Mahama has no vision for Ghana.
You see, they are asking, where NPP/Nana Addo will get the money from. This tells you NDC is sick... all they ...
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if only God gives you the chance.
After hearing what Nana had outlined, NDC will re-write its manifesto because they are patiently waiting for Nana to come out with something so that they can steal something from it.
You are not giving credit to the NDC leadership; in ur view Akufo Addo has superior intelligence. You seriously don't believe this.
This is what a nation who wants progress and prosperity should go. You will never hear such an in depth and innovative plans for this nation from Mahama. All what we are hearing from him is "I will win one touch". Mahama a ...
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My brother you make sense. However, these gifts come with condition: to swear an oath that you will cast your vote for the particular party. And you know how Ghanaians in general are highly superstitious.
All what this man is saying is a willd goose chase.
He should give us a break.
Npp, Ndc ,the value is the same. The French say "Tout la meme".
Let us be serious folks!
How many UK's willing to come down and vote for your presidency.Other campaigning for votes locally.FLAGBEARER as usually..outside of his more country and when the election trickle down on you;then you blame EC
What a confused, desperate political leader. The flag bearer do not seem to understand what he is saying.
On the one hand, the desperate man mentioned that he is going to move away from export of raw materials to moderniz ...
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That's great news for Ghanaians! Nana is a visionary man; he's poised to lead Ghana unto paths of great progress and prosperity for all. And this can be found in his speech that he delivered in Bremen, Germany.
Let all pro ...
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Let your campaigners go to the rural areas to assure them of farm gate purchase of their produce to feed the industries
Wow ! Am so impress about this roadmap to transform mother Ghana , it really sound convincing and achievable ,I petition Heaven to grant us Akufo Addo as our President ,and Not this Corruption and incompetent invested JDM
A ...
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You are very stupid, know that short man is not a half, u a huge a senseless dump
Forget about those ndc puppies they know nana is the right man for the job, but the only practice stomach politic, and have been also blinded by mahama"s falsehoods. But the truth be told ,darkness can never over shadow ligh ...
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people think NDC is united I swear to u that house is not united its cos they are in power and if anything comes out that will sabotage the government... secrecy among them is killing them, if Rawlings the founder has been in ...
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Roughly five months to the November elections, the standard bearer of the NPP just realized that he has to articulate his grand vision to rescue our nation. Where has he been since 2012?
Rushing through this outline of NPP ...
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Why not such a visionary leader instead of 419 Mr John Mahama?
This is what we need now
Developing Ghana into an ICT hub in the region is a figment of Akufo Addo's imagination, a wish list that has not been thought through, considering the rapid changes in the digital world.
Akufo Addo needs to visit Singap ...
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"How smart nation operates".
Akufo fucken Addo doesn't have any meaningful vision for the country he and his cohorts are only coming to loot the country and make their homes better at the expense of of hard working Ghana. Don't mind this old fox coming ...
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What a punch line. Nana should have added LOOT, AND SHARE TO IT. STEALERS
Akuffo-Addo, you are too old. Go get yourself a bed and rest for your final days. Seventy-plus years, what do you want. Or do you want a state burial ? Your vision for Ghana, is blurred, just as the eye-glasses you wear for s ...
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The concern of all NPP loyalist must be the remobilasation of NPP support base POST Nana Akuffo Ado era in 2017. Surely the Presideny had eluded Akuffo Ado.
Waaooow what a manifesto!! This's what Ghana need to develope . Lets put Nana in the Flagstaff House to make things better for Ghana. I'm a floating voter. We all makes mistakes, so if you look at someone 's mistakes you 'll ...
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These are theories that don't win votes in Ghana especially when the house is divided and falling apart lead by Nana himself, John Buadu, Sammy Awuku and Fredy Blay, tweaaaaa
Perusing the comments I see a lot of foreign based persons interested in Ghana politics. Hoping someone will vote then they come for appointment. A case of monkey dey work.
Nana, don't think u can fool all of us.How will the country become industrialized without good roads, electricity, hospitals,schools,security apparatus,and all that?? You can't start from A and get to Q. Give credit to JDM fo ...
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Nana has a strong message.
good one there Nana, we the youth of this country support ur vision 100% with our strength and prayers so never worry cos the is in control
Nana heaven nd earth knows u are the chosen one to redeem your de people of Gh.i pray fervently for dream comes true.God grant u wisdom in de knowledge of him..Nana all de way!!
God bless u to our mother land ghana. infact, u've vision for ghana and may the good lord gives u the mandate.
Ghanaians should wake up and throw the Ali Baba and his thieves away. Mahama is a thief
You can't industrialise without the appropriate infrastructure .you can't put the carte before the horse.
What time will he use to sleep talking of making Ghana better.Someone who is able in sleep in church near loud speakers or you think the flagstaff house is meant for treating sleeping sickness.#i choose JM
Kwasiaba Azumàh. Where did NDÇ under Mills and Mahama get money to huge judgement debts, to Woyome and others, Bus Branding and other Useless Expenditures often made by Mahama? GHANA is rich.It is because our Leaders are wi ...
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He will get the money from Mahama and his corrupt appointees,idiot, do u think before talking
wow what a gud package of development plan.not like mr guinea fowl rearing
Look at his bad stratege again and seems he is more interested in fund raising than to win power.Do those at uk had a vote in ghana and are they comin to vote?Ahh instead of you champion your agenda in ghana for voters to und ...
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Wicked man akufo addo so you have this vision for Ghanaians .yet you went to south African and brought 3 men to come and train Ghanaians.. On behalf of you..
You have all this plans for Ghanaians but what do you have for your party dangerous man akufo addo. Ghanaians will never vote for you..give us break.. Mr traveller
First you said this man has no message.
He has now brought out his vision, and you there saying he just want Ghanaians to vote for him.
Let's be honest, wouldn't Ghana be a better place if he is being given the chance to ...
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Talk is cheap, these are all rhetoric. Pls tell us where you gonna get the funding to execute these projects. Pls nana, forget it.
I read the piece and for once I thought the big politician was discussing a different country either than our Ghana, where food security is still a big story. industrialization and export cropping is a measurable disaster in ...
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where the ghc 5.2 million he diverted to Ecobank. A criminal calling himself an angel we shall retire by giving the NDC a million votes in ashanti region foolisman.
John Mahama has been the de facto president of Ghana for the past 7 years. The general public opinion about him is that he is incompetent and corrupt. He is also a thief and a liar.
We like him like that. At least he doesn't call for war like his colleague Akuffo. Who is who? Akuffo may win 3:2 because he is talented in radicalism and war
Say it again my brother. Even in Heaven where there was no sin, where everything was perfect, Lucipher had to be sanctioned for causing internal wrangle.
But pls, stop the insults.
Your party have a lot to say about the current power crisis which has befallen the nation. Your vice presidential candidate is busy speaking about the fact that the ruling party hasn't been fair to the electricity company and ...
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this is the real man with God given sense of wisdom to govern this country. Ghanaians must rise up and vote for him...mahama has failed Ghanaians
Sounds like sweet music in the ears. Nana b3ba, Nana b3ba! God bless you Nana and keep you well and give you long life and strength to clean the mess Mahama and his corrupt and clueless and incompetent NDC government have ca ...
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Only wicked people will follow this wicked devil's incarnate called Akuffo Adoo the dwarf and his morron Bawumia after destroying a vibrant party like the npp, selling your father's properties and sabotaging the same nation y ...
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Tell me if this is not a good menifesto
Kwame Boateng please be very discipline OK. Nana is over 100% wiser than all your family members and your incompetent NDC leader. If u don't understand,go back to class to study economics. Empty headed
Ghanains should not listence to these old man he confuse and wanted confuse people as well he should not think about that very soon we will provide him walk sitck so that he walk prople
that only people who think about Ghana want Nana Addo
I think only the thieves from ghana don't want Nana, just b'cos they wouldn't be able to still period
What are you dreaming about, Akuffo Addo ? Tell Ghanaians how far have you transformd your NPP party that Kuffour left into your care till now ??? By this, we have known the reality of you, Akuffo Addo. Go to Kyebu to rule t ...
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I simply don't get it, help me guy's, NDC says Kufour did nothing yet Ghana is a middle income country now ,so why do they keep on lying to Ghanaian they did nothing. How was Ghana like before npp. Pls. NDC give us a brake no ...
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Why should you say that learn how to talk in public . President Kufford has done it before or because this government is misusing our sources.
In Ghana here you want to tell me that only the Akans , Akyempanzees dwarfs Akyems are wise than all tribes. Another big maggots.
It is only a fool who will say Nana can't do the job .Ghana we have the money we have the men and women who are welling to help. But not the dinning hall prefect guy but competent one indeed
You can never do anything good for mother Ghana after losing two elections already. Your sponsors are waiting remember
Some1 wants to lead this country and has outlined his vision for the country.....Thats perfect and very good for our political discuss.....another person reading it ask a simple question like how is he going to raise the fun ...
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I love your story , wise man , this is a parable to NPP the Nana Poor Party
Talk is cheap
Ghanaian should think about the nation not the presidency if you no you are okay with your life vote for the one you want do not say anything against this Man if he is your father I do not think you will say all sorts of word ...
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He has the right vision for Ghanaian so let give him the chance to do it for us
Nana, your party is in the mess, work on that first . I will not give you my vote OK. My vote is for president Mahama.join me on this whatspp line 0246311544 for PZ Manama 's win
Nana we need your help
More promises and keep counting until ..........
oh nice weeding vow.So u have decided to stop insults on Mahama.Pls resign honourably Nana
I trust and believe you so are millions of Ghanaians you are far better than the corrupt and incompetent John Mahama and his babies with sharp teeth this election is for you but please watch out because Charlotte Osei sworn t ...
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is only Nana ado who can solve Ghanaians problem
Mr president at all cost, please can you stop your too much promises that I will do this and that, come home and let us campaign here .nana you are not helping the at all.
Today you are here nest time you are there what do ...
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Vision? What vision? Clueless Akufo-Addo has no vision for his own NPP let a vision for Ghana. even the Alan Kyeremanten camp within the NPP labeled Serial Loser Akufo-Addo as "incompetent and a monumental failure". What sort ...
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