
Cape Coast floods kill 5

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  • sanjay - Abu Dhabi 8 years ago


  • NDC IS A CURSE 8 years ago


  • PRINCE KWASI ADADE ( OFIE! P33 ) 8 years ago

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  • Prince Awuah David 8 years ago

    There are some fools in Ghana who cannot see problems because they are made fools by evil propaganda. For lack of knowledge my people perish.Hosea 4:6

  • Mr. Say it like it is 8 years ago

    Im pretty sure you support npp. Be neutral for a minute to realize both sides are corrupted

  • Mr. Say it like it is 8 years ago

    This flood has nothing to do with any individual. If could get off both sides(npp & ndc) you'd realize that both a corrupted and has been elected conservatively because of Ghanaians failure to detect lies due to their persona ...
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  • Koomson 8 years ago

    Afrifa, how could you compare stadium distaster to circle and Cape Coast flood against Kuffour's regime?Kufgour's time,there were trash cans around communities to dump garbages.So Kuffour blown whistle for supporters for thro ...
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  • Samuel Kwaku Ofori (Bogoso) 8 years ago

    My question is can't we solve our own problem?
    Last year June it happened at Accra where about 200 people die and now in the same June this year 5 people has die at Cape Coast because of the same floods.
    NDC Must Go!!! They ...
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  • NANA BONSU 8 years ago

    SAMMY. We as citizens should share in the blame. We need to handle our trash disposal better. This is where lack of strong leadership is exposed. Charity begins at home. We need to organize and then force the Government to pr ...
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  • afrifa 8 years ago

    they alwz blame thier misfortunes on others.wat abt the stadium disaster dat occured in kuffour time. wer 1000 of pple lost ther lives. did ghanaians throw kuffour out?? so wat ar u talkin abt. the problm is ghanaians shld s ...
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  • Rexford Amoako-Atta 8 years ago

    My friend get your facts right, how many people died during the may 9 th disaster? Scumhead.

  • $@m 8 years ago

    total bunkum..nansis

  • derrick 8 years ago

    do U think at all,we are talking about flood and U are bringing a disaster that happened years back

  • appiagyei 8 years ago

    mahama is the best president ghana has ever had. apart frm nkrumah and rawlings .....y3 toaso

  • Dadson 8 years ago

    Now can't ghanaians see that anywhere mahama touches there is flooding, mahama! Ghana is tired of you! How many people do you want to kill before you're satisfied ? We tired of you!

  • .........." 8 years ago

    That is why Kumasi is the best city to live in peace. No wonder all the undesirables are moving from their cursed regions to Ashantiland.

  • Betina 8 years ago

    Please not apply politics to the natural disaster . What ? President of France they Go bcos hav fooding in Paris and the Cena River overflow .
    Please let hv a common sense we Ghanian stoop to politisaded everything .

  • NANA BONSU 8 years ago

    Don't compare is to them. The kind that happened there could kill 10 times the numbers we lost. They have better town planning and irrigation systems Tha mitigate floods. Wipe your mouth clean on this one.

  • Roland 8 years ago

    We can't blame any gov't for the flood when we keep dumping refuse into garters and building on water ways. Let's discipline our selves and do the right thing.

  • As3m bi nti 8 years ago

    Exactly thi is the solution

  • Mamadu 8 years ago

    You hit the right tone.

  • Joe 8 years ago

    You guys turn anything into politics instead of holding the government of the day accountable for national development issues.

    Why do you have open gutters in a country like Ghana where there are a lot of mosquito?

    Doe ...
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  • bee lee 8 years ago


  • Mamadu 8 years ago

    Band plastics and the habitual behaviour of waste management are the major causes of these floods.
    We got to react and only talk and talk with any action!!!!

  • mojacy 8 years ago

    Lets be more realistic and keep de government out of this. Its our own ignorance that is causing us. After drinking satchet water in a bus we conciously throw it through de window,we build in water ways and even insult when w ...
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  • Justice 8 years ago

    Some of we Ghanaians are so spupid that , we don't think before we open our mouth. Anytime something happens we blame the sitting government . Even in America flood happens here, sometimes you can't prevent mother n ...
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  • Salifu Abdul Karim 8 years ago

    Hooo Ghanaians why can't we do anything with out politics

  • derrick 8 years ago

    samual do U think at all what has stadium disaster has to do with flood. do U think at all.

  • Abenaa Amoakoaa 8 years ago

    dID ANYONE READ WHAT THE "VETERAN JURNAIST", MR CAMERON DUODU WROTE ABOUT THE FLOODS IN The Daily Guide newspaper on 11 June 2016? We have solutions to our problems, but they are ignored. If I was in government, I would take ...
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  • Abeeku Mensah 8 years ago

    Oh how history repeat itself for those who fail to learn from past mistakes and from the mistakes of others. The torrential rains are not going away and yet as Ghanaians we could care less about infrastructure. A DCE, MCE or ...
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  • pkirks 8 years ago

    Why do people blame government for their own mistakes .

  • pkirks 8 years ago

    During Rwlings time town council men were deployed into various houses and communities to check irresponsibility of citizens and the culprits were punished for their irresponsible acts we complained bitterly and look at wha ...
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  • Yaa 8 years ago

    Hmmmmmm may they rest in peace.



  • Boat 8 years ago

    I don't get it when people say don't blame governments. Nations are goverbed by laws and governments enforce the laws. If trash cans are provided and trash removed continously on time and fallen ones picked on time and those ...
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  • Abraham Danso, from kakumdo Cape Coas 8 years ago

    soo what is this ndc government doing about this floods, we vote better things but not what we are seeing. Vote for ppp vote for our future.

  • JAMIU ABDUL RASHID 8 years ago

    it is high time we thought of how to solve our problems collectively by providing reasonable solutions and ideas devoid of politics. We reduce almost every thing to politics in this country making it very dificult for decisio ...
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  • KALUSHA 8 years ago

    What I know is wen a leading falls into a pit,the others take causion. But lack of knowledge my people perish.
    That's why we are perishing.
    Instead of solving problems, we blame political parties n individuals.
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  • Ali Mahama 8 years ago

    The President enjoys seeing people drown in Floods and then rides on Motor to consol them. Surely Nana Beba to turn things around.

  • Okai james 8 years ago

    Imay their souls rest in perfect peace,And god bee with their family.

  • Waaluk 8 years ago

    Really? . 12 months on?. Wow! !

  • Nana Yaw Barimah 8 years ago

    Because of the evil deeds in the Country which can be attributed to some Political giants, comes all these disasters.Therefore,Christians and Moslems should pray to avert these occurrences.

  • Amirah 8 years ago

    Prayers and condolences to all whom are affected by this tragedy.

  • frank boamah 8 years ago

    afrifa,let me ask you this question. how many time does stadium disaster happen in a year?this flood that causes June disaster last year has still happen this time round only that God been so good,no lives were lost but milli ...
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  • Helena Lena Gray 8 years ago

    God im praying that my love ones in Cape Coast are safe...

  • Mr. Say it like it is 8 years ago

    Its really fucking stupid to blame this on the government. People should re-check where the flood flow is before building an infrastructure. You stupid fucks always blame the government. Ps. I think both ndc and npp are corru ...
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  • Ibrahim munkaila 8 years ago

    So what is going on in ghana. Today Flood tomorrow fire aah

  • naa banana inn 8 years ago

    must Ghanaian always aportion blames?no is attitude let's change.