
Reverend De-Graft Obiri Moves On

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  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    Pack behind others houses, he is still the lamp of his father 6664. He might try to sacrifice innocent leaders in his situations, acting like god, he was still the lamp of 16 pensylvania avenue inherited by the leopard in pow ...
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  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    Government being a church because of the bibical base constitution, using guns to solve problems contrary to the teachings of the Savior of the bible. Can you dodge this. Do that for me to see false preachers and pastors out ...
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  • Kofi, USA 8 years ago

    Oh these Ghanaweb writers!

  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    Stop fabricating scriptures to point wrongly at others who has not offended you. Moasemsem. JAK the black phoney medallion. J J the leopard of ghana in collaboration to snake (c)ougar ((c)linton). Everything hidden shall come ...
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  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    Speaking of Zodiac stuff, instead of enjoyable soccer games.. why are we making soccer another whitemen religious believes of dirty faith and love fibs.

  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    Afret all soccer is a game of oppositions, embedded are fouls in melee or accident. Refereeing could even determine the outcome of the game. Stop denigrading holy bible truth luciferous souls, hearts and mindsets.

  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    My postings. Why? They live in california with their idolatry selves, trying hard for me to recognise them. I thought they are calebrities of affluenza that everybody have to adore and worship. Now they are noticing their fun ...
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  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    So you know. Moasemsem. Cez vrez. I am now tired. Tell the baptist church folks, I will fight fix fight, if they try to use my parking space again. And that will be deadly. Black american will taste Africa for their president ...
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  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    Ghanaweb. Who is the true celebrity and they carnal celebrity of hollywood. In the beginning they were calling me mole, because at LA airport, there was a movy which could place me at the background. Now maria carry is my mol ...
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  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    The stupid white American commentator with videtta is talking about dark horse. Racism is a cancer. A racist find it hard to hide himself. Evrywhere they find themselves we know them.

  • STEPHEN A. QUAYE 8 years ago

    Kofi in USA got it wrong. MOVE ON in British English. Phrasal verb with move on in queens languange means:

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  • SUA or SUO. truth. 8 years ago

    If success determines your state in Christ Jesus.