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The country has been mismanaged for so long that the only way to rest affairs and put things in the right direction is unfortunately through war . Our gold and all natural resources are of no benefit to the people despite ove ...
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AUTHOR : JAMES MANN------ - How does Omane Boamah explain these: 1. the preamble says, the contractor did a bid and did win the contract and he was introduced to the then Vice President who happens to be the present President ...
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Why should I die for Ghana when gov't appointees and politicians are driving V8 vehicles and putting up mansions?
My brother Frank,you have said it all.
Ghana is not a country to die for.A country where political thieves are never prosecuted and only poor people go to prison.
I disagree with him. If politicians drive in V8 and I have my job doing I am some how okay. They drive in V8 with my money and I don't have food to eat but the tell me to still pay tax. Why? Hooligans of course.
hi there is indian spritualist in the wold call for all spritual problem money charm locket
and knws that this year is for the lord lucifer a lot will happen in 2016 just calculate
666+666+666+6+6+6 give the answer is ...
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there is no country called Ghana. just political entities coming together and pretending to be a country. That's the real fact. Ghana died with Nkrumah!!!
For once I agree with Prof Akosa. Mr John ' ford ' Mahama is telling us by his thievery that we Ghanaians are fools to have voted for him.
Frank Agyena or wat ever ur name is tell dat to ur formal President Agyakum ko4 were u not in dis country when state money were use to purchase gold chine's to honour dem self, n also bought a hotel for his son.
And did you ever read from me that he was right in doing that? That was corruption and I stand by it. I spoke against it and many other things he did wrong. If Kuffour was wrong it does not mean Mahama has to be wrong too. Sh ...
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Blame dat on npp party dey started amassing wrath when dey came to power so e ordinary citizens also decided not to be patriotic anymore since dey were not showing any sign of patriotism.
Country like Ghana with all it natural
resources, can't afford to buy new car
and it President received used car state as gift from individual
We have a fool as a President. It's as simple as that, pal!
Why doesn't this automatic windbag go away? He's always spewing out sensational rhetoric which he claims to be fact. Would he die for this country the same way he is prepared to die for his housemaid's bed. Go ask his wife wh ...
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Prof is a man everyone should admire.... Ghana is taken for granted by this so-called politrictians..God bless anyone who loves Ghana than himself...
No more patriotism in Ghana every one looking for money. How to get it fast. Both men and the women. Young and old. No more hard work for money. Easy ways to get it.