
The Supreme Court’s direction to remove names from the voters’ register

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  • m. akyeampong 8 years ago

    Every discerning reader will IMMEDIATELY know your CONCLUSION

    A NEW REGISTER!!!!! Hahahaaaaaaa

  • Ay3ka 8 years ago

    And this duo thinks that just by following this dubious and tortuous path, their jaundiced conclusion, would somehow become readily acceptable. What an exercise in futility!

  • Kwei 8 years ago

    What is the roll of Supreme Court , I think it's there to interpret and explain the constitution not to make laws the constitution is the law of the land not what a group of people think

  • Concerned 8 years ago

    ...The ec list without verification and rather ask abu to provide evidence the list is wrong. I remember during the election petition questions being asked by the judges suggested they were going to rule in a logical manner u ...
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  • BOY KOFI 8 years ago

    Any court judgement without evidence is bogus.Abu Ramadan nailed himself by going away from his initial case into another pure political arena.Initially,he went to to ask for interpretaion of one of the provisions in the 1992 ...
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  • Carol 8 years ago

    The Supreme Court is making sure the EC does the right thing. Africa is so far behind with electoral practices. All because of cheats and fraudulent practices. Just clean the register and let the chips fall where they should ...
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  • Ben U.K 8 years ago

    How complex to remove names from csv and pdf files encrypted .my boy of 16 years in U.k can do that from EC files with ease .Best solution is new register

  • Constable Joy 8 years ago


  • moving Ghana forward 8 years ago

    I believe true citizens and sympathizers of Ghana would advocate for advancement in our practices no matter the party in power. Wrong things done during the NPP government do not qualify to be right now and and must be correc ...
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