
Deeper Life Launches ‘Dayspring’ 2016

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  • Andy 8 years ago

    Thank GOD for such a wonderful programme i will be there

  • Tim 8 years ago

    What does "spiritual and moral decadence" have to do with intellectualism?

    What does a bunch of non-intellectual religious nutjobs who don't even believe in basic logic and science have to teach to the intellectuals of Gha ...
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  • agya kujo 8 years ago

    I guess the cure for your confusion is participating in a program like 'Dayspring'2016. In this day and age, it is only the confused in mind who deems a group of serious pursuers of godliness as non-intellectual.
    You n ...
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  • Charles The Evangelist 8 years ago

    I am surely going to be there!

  • wallah 8 years ago

    wish all participant aLL THE BEST