
Vote for NPP to get solution to energy crisis

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  • Kkd 8 years ago

    If npp solved the crisis during their tenure of office we wouldn't be here talking about energy today. Stop the cheap talks. Tell us where u going to get the funding. The bbc is waiting for nana once again. Everyone ...
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  • Obuama 8 years ago

    Cheap and shameless! How would you solve the problem? Tell us now and stop the vile propaganda

  • ============= 8 years ago


  • Freddie 8 years ago

    You fucken can't solve any problem you were there before nothing was done why do you fucken think this time you can solve problems. Desperately lying to be voted for talking about bringing heavens to earth. You fucken lier.

  • kofi 8 years ago

    Just stop this nonsense,your government came to power and messed up the energy sector so don't tell us you re going to solve it. The country's energy sector ws stable before Rawlings left power but just after 4years you messe ...
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  • NOBODY 8 years ago

    NPP can keep it's factories in the sky deception, for clueless incompetent monumental failure Serial Loser Akufo-Addo will lose again come November. NP is badly fractured and collapsing, and has no energy within its body nor ...
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  • Asamoah Eric 8 years ago

    We know u n ur people are behind the sabotage. We are not surprised as it happened in the killing of women prior to 2000 elections. You will become president after 2040. Nation wreckers

  • Frank Yeboah 8 years ago

    If u are indeed competent, help the current administration put a solve this problem. It hate me to see people lose their jobs but bcos the vra and ecg are serving your interest, I would have wish they privatise it. Akuffo Add ...
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  • Obuama 8 years ago

    NPP better managers of which economy? Well, perhaps you are referring to HIPC economy. Yes they were managing an economy that did not have the burden of servicing external debts, an economy that was pay only just over 3 billi ...
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  • Concerned Citizen 8 years ago

    I can now see NDC is the most bogus and incompetent party on the planet earth. To them everything is impossible. Don't they know that governance is nothing but problem solving? If they know that they can't solve pertinent pro ...
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  • Safo-Adu 8 years ago

    It's only a group of idiots that will consider a fake Akuffo Addo as their running mate!! So npp want to say they don't have any credible human being to lead them?? No wonder we have people like Nana Akomea, Kabo, Sammy Awuku ...
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  • Nature 8 years ago

    Foolish talk. Did you solve it for your 8 years in office and we still suffering it???. You're hallucinating paaar. Go get a doctor please.

  • Jew 8 years ago

    You are good at sabotaging, so you must indeed know the cause and the solution.
    Wicked violent party led by the holder of an embarrassing 3rd class degree in economics, popularly known as all die be die.

  • Mr Ghana 8 years ago

    Ghanaian journalist, bcose of nokofio they have decided to be disingenuously mediocres. They have thrown professionalism to the dogs. Concert party

  • Jehoo 8 years ago

    So is NPP saying they were will help us in de energy problem.why is it don't u guys help to solve it now but u people are waiting to vote for u before they help....we need to help each party Ghana is not for NDC nor NPP so MR ...
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  • Freddie 8 years ago

    A lazy cunt lawyer who can't even do his work as a lawyer, all of a sudden want to be president. What a problem we have in Ghana and he has fucken pundits as followsers.

  • More 8 years ago

    Nana.Addo Dankwah.Akuffo.Addo.Will.fixed.dumsor.with.good.iders.with.good.planning.Ghanaians wont see.dumsor.again.

  • The Future Force 8 years ago

    Just like 1998 - 2000 when they imported and dumped many dead bodies around to discredit the government of the day, have they gotten some relatives and associates who are working in the energy sector deliberately sabotaging t ...
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  • samuel villa 8 years ago

    I keep on saying,no one hates NPP but the NPP hermit,Nana Addo and his artificial ways to become a statesman. Nana Addo is the most irresponsible and nation wrecking block headed politician in the political history of Ghana a ...
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