
Montie pardon: Bediatuo making 'empty noise' - Arthur K

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  • LAST DON 8 years ago

    Peace and unity will elude these Dankwa / Busia confraternity until they begin to show respect to their opponents by using decent language to express their opinions. All they can do is to chirp! chirp !chirp ! talk !talk ! ...
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  • PRINCE KWASI ADADE (OFIE P33) 8 years ago

    Massa; Ghanaians were told that the NDC led by Asiedu Nketia and Koku Anyidoho instigated these boys to threaten the judges but they denied it ; you see how they are falling over themselves to visit the 3 ...
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  • facts 8 years ago

    NPP have done ghana a great favour for not putting forth someone like Arthur Kennedy for presidential nomination. That could have been the greatest mistake ever. I have noticed all his comments are bias minded showing his hat ...
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  • Missionary. Thomas USA 8 years ago

    The Bible says evil shall slay the wicked . This man is Ndc his nature and character shows Npp don't have such characters God will save Ghana from wicked men

  • aikins 8 years ago

    I thought he can equally say his mind just like you Arthur have been saying your mind even though you mostly don't make sense.

  • Jay 8 years ago

    Don't you see the progress the country made under JAK??? We got better people to lead this country but we just sticking to a good one. Stupid corrupt fool like this president needs to leave. And by the way Kwame Nkrumah coul ...
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  • unclejoe 8 years ago

    i decided not to comment on this shit called last don but i have to say something very short: he is an idiot and reasonable people should ignor him. just simple as that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  • UAE 8 years ago

    Doctor Kennedy, what is your problem ? Is it sheer hatred for a party u vired to lead ? May God forgive u if u think Ghanaians are hapi under this govt

  • Toronto 8 years ago

    This guy is stupid

  • PRINCE KWASI ADADE (OFIE P33) 8 years ago

    AUTHOR: TULA----- NDC MAFIA AT NSAWAM Massa to visit the criminals; ------Ghanaians were told that the NDC led by Asiedu Nketia and Koku Anyidoho instigated these boys to threaten the judges but they denied it ; you see how t ...
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  • ROSEMARY 8 years ago

    Arthur Kennedy, your NDC men are falling on their own sword. ......evil can never triumph forever.... NDC is very evil they are falling on their own sword ......shame on arthur k ... ..etc...

  • 1 Loaf 8 years ago

    Rose+Mary what a confused name. Tell me your name and will show you your intelligence quotient. Any let's wait and see who will fall on "their own sword" when Ghanaians speak on 7th December. Kwasiato!!!

  • ROSEMARY 8 years ago

    Ide biiiiiiii kakaa .....NDC evil deeds will crush them hard ......Very sad that NDC has clearly failed ,very extremely incompetent and dubious so have depleted our coffers completely YET THEY HAVE THE NERVES TO ASK GHANA TO ...
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  • 1 Loaf 8 years ago

    Rose+Mary what a confused name. Tell me your name and l will show you your intelligence quotient. Anyway let's wait and see who will fall on "their own sword" when Ghanaians speak on 7th December. Kwasiato!!!

  • NEE SAI 8 years ago


  • EBBY 8 years ago

    Nobody ever doubted the constitutional right of the president to pardon the contempnors. However, the repercussions from such pardon will be unimaginable. That will be wanton disrespect for the judiciary, which will have unto ...
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  • NANA O!! MOTHER 8 years ago

    And you Arthur Kennedy, making stupid noise.Fool if you really have ghana at heart come down and help building the nation and stop your stupidity overthere.

  • Dantonowa 8 years ago

    Arthur K you are now a grown man, and a successful one at that. Grow out of the rabble rousing ideas okay?

    Those giddy days when you appointed yourself Ghana's opposition leader are long gone.

    Create policy, instead of ...
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  • Kutsii 8 years ago

    Jesus made nonsense even of the 10 commandments by reducing it to 2 which in effect encompassed all the 10. Matthew 22:37-39 .

    Jesus was not a Pharisee, neither a teacher of the LAW nor part of the priests in Jerusalem.
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  • kk 8 years ago

    Another foolish and ignorant attention seeker!

  • MT 8 years ago

    I think Kennedy is not getting the argument. Calling for a pardon a day after the sentencing is just a way of setting aside the court's ruling. Those calling for presidential pardon may not see it as such but that is exactly ...
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  • Dr Robert K Glah 8 years ago

    Judicial independence is entrenched in the Constitution and it must be respected by all and the Prez cannot invade it else the Prez becomes an absolute dictator combining EXECUTIVE, JUDICIAL and LEGISLATIVE POWERS in HIMSELF.

  • GHANANI 8 years ago

    What do you mean Glah?The constitution grants the president the right to pardon.The question is whether it is right for the Montie3 to be pardoned for political reasons.

  • tolegba 8 years ago

    It is that simple.

  • Ay3ka 8 years ago

    Or obstruct, in any form or fashion, the work of the SC?
    I cannot fathom why many so-called "learned" persons in this country, are always blinded by parochial and partisan considerations? Like Art K, I simply cannot understa ...
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  • sam 8 years ago

    Arthur K please tone down and let those who know the nitigrity of law speak. if it was medicine, then fine but fortunately or unfortunately it is law so please let those with law background educate us and stop your mission of ...
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  • Apostle 8 years ago

    For once, I'll agree with Dr Kennedy
    But, as someone who want to see the president lose the election, I pra that he goes ahead and free the 3 NDC guys

  • Patriot 8 years ago

    Thanks Arthur Kennedy.Lawyers in Ghana have contributed immensely towards the sorry state the nation finds itself in now.Most of our MPS and ministers are lawyers and yet this country has been mismanaged by them.They even def ...
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  • Kwame Antwi 8 years ago

    Arthur K is so pathetic and his hate for Npp is incredible.

  • Lawyer Agbakpe from Ho 8 years ago

    I perfectly agree with you Arthur K

  • kow Mensayawson 8 years ago

    I think Arthur Kennedy must be given audience without pride or prejudice. Why am I saying this? The Head of State of Ghana has the constitutional right as well as moral right to think of and decide to exercise any pardon as K ...
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  • Straight Talk 8 years ago

    Arthur this is debate and Stop abusing

  • Mensah 8 years ago

    In the jurisdiction of the USA where you reside or in any jurisdiction in the USA for that matter, can you openly threaten to murder or rape and murder somebody and go scot free because in your twisted political mischief maki ...
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  • Mensah 8 years ago

    the 4 months jail term the Justices handed down to these hoodlums may have been excessive but it's reasonable due to Ghana's history under these same P/NDC criminals; they handed down that stiff jail time specifically because ...
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  • BODY GAY 8 years ago

    Arthur Kennedy, from my understanding you live in the United States of America.If this is the case please I challenge you to go on any radio station and threaten to kill their Chief Justice and some of the Supreme Court judg ...
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  • ROSEMARY 8 years ago

    NDC buffoons plan to rspe women during their perceived war . yet buffoon Arthur k is rather attacking npp daily.....Save Ghana now judiciary....Montie 3 said that they will marry the chief Justice in the event of war in Gha ...
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  • NOAH 8 years ago

    Has that foolish fake Bediatu who used a faked certificate to enter law school finished taking people who exposed his useless and good for nothing Addo to court for daring him to produce his law certificate? All the shallow n ...
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  • Nyameke 8 years ago

    This man is presently the only person in Ghana able to make comments and judgement devoid of emotions. No wonder 8 out of 10 he gets it right. Everyone else hardly make sense due to uncontrolled emotions.

  • AFOKO 8 years ago


  • Samson 8 years ago

    Arthur K I really admire your logical way of analysing issues you comment on. Very inspiring piece. Well thought out. Bravo !!!!!

  • JACk JOHNSON 8 years ago

    Stupidity man,foolishness talk

  • NOBODY 8 years ago

    Ultra vires my foot. Pardon my Latin, but NPP introduced HIPC and ZIKA viruses into Ghana. When the NPP is not busy throwing bombs and acid, it finds lots of time to steal from Hotel Kempinkski, using Paul Afoko to front for ...
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  • Kwaku Atta-krufi (Atta-kay) 8 years ago

    So now you are taking the position of even insulting the Good people of Ghana, by asking us 'not to kowtow the 'I put to you profession'. How sad. We are intelligent people. You are on the side of the evil people just as Tsat ...
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  • edem 8 years ago

    the level of arrogance among these so call legal luminaries is just nauseating. i'm very proud of your forthrightness and consistency in all your position on issues. thank you very much sir.

  • sas 8 years ago

    And let's see what will happen, if he has no right to do that, please Mr president some of us are bleeding in our hearts for the continuous silence and waiting

  • AARON 8 years ago

    Akyem mafia wants to take over Ghana.

  • Ebola Ford Mahama 8 years ago

    Arthur K.Please come and release them.