
Did Professor Aryeetey speak too late?

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  • KingTony 8 years ago

    My Friend If you don't have anything to say just keep your mouth shut, Prof. Ayeetey Is a great scholar no doubts about that. But remember that he is human and can err. Do you know the type of students being produced from Tec ...
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  • Yaw Barima 8 years ago

    Professor Aryeetey is definitely wrong on the issue of conversion of polytechnics to state universities. Mr. Mahama needs to be recommended for this bold move. The universities in Ghana teach largely theoretical matters with ...
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  • Kojo Bonsu Fmr Mce 8 years ago

    I just think these gentlemen are a little ignorant or are playing mischief. With all their background it doesn't take much effort to realize that ,most top universities in the USA are technical institutions. Talk of MIT, Worc ...
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  • Prof Lungu 8 years ago

    It is crazy the millions of dollars in investments in coal by this NDC government, in Ghana of all places.

    The NPP, sadly, did no better!

    READ: "...KNUST, (LEGON, CAPE COAST, etc.)....for example, live(s) in darkness w ...
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  • Prof Lungu 8 years ago

    Get copy of our paper:

    Are Ghanaian Officials Stuck on Stupid?

  • Nii Danso 8 years ago

    The sad thing about this nation is the sheer intellectual moronism. Most of our intellectuals have their stomachs directing them into party politics. And when they have enough brains to stay in academia, the sit and watch whi ...
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  • Pito Brewer 8 years ago

    Why didn't the learned professor make this view known two years back when he was seeking re-appointment? He is a hypocrite just like Prof Yankah. They were quiet when in position of power at UG in order to protect their job, ...
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  • OPNINPA 8 years ago

    Sorry. You have got thecolonial mindset! The mentality that learning Latin and Greek alone makes one a scholar is gone. Universities now have to justifty relevance of their research. So technical Universities do research and ...
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  • Teacher Akwasi 8 years ago

    The problem isn't converting to university or not. But it's a problem of content. I mean what they will learn in these so called institutions. Are they going to compete among themselves on which institution runs more of human ...
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