
The scrapped allowances; Ghana's bright future

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  • Theo 7 years ago

    You said it all.
    Jah blessings.

  • Cyril 7 years ago

    Thank you. Bless you more

  • Abipo 7 years ago

    Now there is the election fever so what next?When President is arrogant and feel he is the President so can do anything he wants and no one can challenge his authority. What most Presidents or Prime Ministers fail to grasp ...
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  • Dessie 7 years ago

    Great piece; more Ghanaians need explanatory piece of legislature in other for them to understand totally what is going on governance by government, they have no idea of politics and policies leading them ignorance in the soc ...
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  • Cyril 7 years ago

    Thanks to you for reading and adding your views. I appreciate.

  • Evarson Tiereh (13 Phat man) 7 years ago

    I thank the writer for this write- up.
    But I have a point of correction to make: teacher trainees are still receiving diploma n not degrees. I think the government's decision to scrap trainees' allowances is still not vindic ...
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  • Cyril 7 years ago

    Thanks for reading, correcting me and adding up. Yes, I do understand feeding grants is an issue with them.

  • Ibrahim Arafat 7 years ago

    fool make better research before u put up a piece like this. who told u training colleges award degree nowadays. kid brother have aggregate 7 but he is doing diploma nursing because our mom has no money to pay for a d ...
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  • boateng frank 7 years ago

    dis guy has been paid to write this.

  • boateng frank 7 years ago

    dis guy has been paid to write this.

  • boateng frank 7 years ago

    dis guy has been paid to write this.

  • boateng frank 7 years ago

    dis guy has been paid to write this.

  • boateng frank 7 years ago

    dis guy has been paid to write this.