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He need to see his gay doctor only him know how he treat short man. Hmm.
Eye asam oo.
Merry CHRISTMAS IN ADVANCE GOOD PEOPLE! Don't eat your 2017opportunity investment money! Here's hoping you are not late to the party yet. It's not December 31st yet.... So here is the deal.. You shall not be counted among the ...
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one sick guy as contributor.
Instead of u getting yourself further educated which will help u write good grammar, you're at it again.....fooling as usual
a friend told me that when he went to vote, he press 3 times with his thumb to vote for NPP in retaliation for the Montie 3. The whole saga cheesed a lot of people off. And then dead goat let them out of jail early. Unbelieva ...
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You this man hmmmmmmm.
pls shut up mr sefa kayi,u open up ur programme for all sort of inventives against the president and the ndc and turn round to spew this foolish and idiotic nonsense
Too late. Jesus is with him. Why don't you pack Ang go to hell!
Stupid fool koliko.Should we sit nd not comment when people from the Ndc misbehave
You are among the insulting brigade
Cool down bro
This is why the NDC lost. Arrogance n impunity was their downfall.
The name you are using suit you well, koliko, I don't think this is a name giving to you by your parent, you just pick it when you started to be disrespectful. the man you are insulting is he your classmates or age mate? plz ...
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Koliko.....aah....for a sign of maturity
in Jesus name
You are a fool to say that
And u what hv u achieved in ur miserable and pathetic life? u are such a fool!!
U will live long. I pray to God that u live the next 40 years to see NDC still in opposition. By which time u would have learnt the name of Jesus CANNOT be associated with failure. Ignorance is a very painful disease and its ...
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Well said. I don't know why some people behave like. He's the chosen one, if you like it or not.
Ashewo papa.. . Hhahahahah Onaaapo.
This contributed to Mahama heavy defeat.If Mahama does not respect rule of law , how can he be president.
Montie 3 pardon was the fatal blow to Mahama presidency
KSK is an attention seeking hypocrite who tries to postulate himself as holier than thou in other words he is a vituperative sanctimonious person, but on this topic he is right. The MONTIE 3 saga is one of the major reasons ...
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Why are you attacking KSK? Please behave yourself and disassociate yourself from being imbecile. I thougth you were wise. If you were asked a question, what was your worse moment in 2016. What will be your answer. Leave KSK a ...
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master please shut up, you're worse than any of them. SYCOPHANT
What is lower than acid bathing a regional chairman?
Bra kwame you are right tell them.its big shame to Ghana
And of course it happened under the watch of JDM. Most of his Ministers and MPs alike do not deserves where they are today. It's only a matter of time for them to see the realities of life. For instance, "I met Alhaji Sorogho ...
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If the NDC defeat was because of the released of motie 3 then Mahama is indeed a great leader because he didn't choose power over man's right.
I agree with you ike
I don't think you and Ike understand what democracy and the rule of law mean that's why you can agree with the warped thinking of Ike and this supporting the ill-advised decision of Mahama to release them.
I don't want to comment, but all the same I will not let the stomach direction journalist, and akufu adu pupie Kwame sefa djimi go unrewarded, stupid idiot fool Kwame what are you saying? Abua akpeteshi drunkard like you, who ...
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Excellent!!!! I encourage you to get more people like you. People who will insult and lambast anybody with a divergent opinion. Take them to the cleaners bro and give it to them as has always been done. Deny the truth, defe ...
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Hahahahaha... you nailed it.
You're an imbecile. KSK has been in journalism for more than 20 years and has worked under the governance of JJ, JAK, JEAM and JDM and has never been imprisoned before so l believe he's fair.
Why didn't you say this when they had power if you claim you are clean?
Fool like u saga kayi
This why the John Mahama lost heavily with his mothers Vagina
Foolish man wit low brains. U refuse to play npp linked tapes saying u don't play such tins wen NDC own link u play it lyk u r mad on radio. U never discuss npp u r alwys discussing NDC, only fools will b hyping u as dey keep ...
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Npp journalist
Am so glad that this saga happened. And so am I glad that the Gbese Mantse issue happened.
Guaranteed that from now onwards journalists and everyone will watch their words. Most importantly it's an excellent learning curv ...
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that is why ndc lost
Good that the President freed them. The President's unwise decision angered Ghanaians to vote him out from power.
Many are those who warned the President never to release that idiots from jail, but Mahama refused to listen and the end justify the means, humiliation, total humiliation in the election, the released of Montie 3 hunger Ghana ...
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If someone has expressed his view and u don't side with him, u shouldn't raise insults on him.After all, he has no political affiliations.Let's becareful with the choice of words being used on this platform.Besides, the presi ...
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KSK I like the tortoise and the giraffe examples you made on knees file yesterday,that's the point the difference is just too much,do you remember what Harry Zackor made when he came out to state the reasons why montie was es ...
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Please with all respect shut up
Kwame sefa u hypocrite ppl come on your show do worst things all of u will live to regret one day everything about u is npp why do I hate u can never be like him God has already blessed himHIPOCRITE
Bro Kwame
no need to worry, come 8 jan they will be trown back to jail
They are not free yet . we are going to squash them back to jail to complete the sentence . Fools
I remember the story of Elias Gonzalez, a young boy rescued on the high seas, when the boat they were traveling on capsized, leading to the death of the mother. Beyond this was the standoff between America and Cuba over whic ...
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koliko or whatever u call ur self u are idiot mention one day of chairman general's programme that fonelines were open for people to insult our should be ashame of yourself
No Wonder some people call light darkness and darkness light.Foul is fair and foul is fair what a country we live in.There are some people who were raised in a very low moral standard family such that they have become perpetu ...
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Stupid fool, what is different between you and the montie 3?! You give platform for people like ausla owusu to insult sitting president idiot