
Gambia: Ecowas invasion wrong - MP

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  • gunns 7 years ago

    Very True ! We should learn to respect people

  • ABIBU ALIDU 7 years ago

    You are a big full. Think about what help you can do for your people and forget talking about this stupid matter. You have pig shit in your head as your brains. Foolish man as MP

  • mash 7 years ago

    ghana and nieria will never act like Yahya Jammeh wee are advice country, the MP cant think far

  • Spinas 7 years ago

    I beg to disagree with you, Hon. Agbodza. The law is no respecter of persons or nations. This is a laudable move by the ECOWAS and should be recommended by all. The action by ECOWAS on Gambia is a signal to all the ECOWAS nat ...
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  • Abeiku SW2 London 7 years ago

    Thank u bruh

  • Kwasi 7 years ago

    Which people elected this useless people in parliament?
    Such a useless man with mango head talk rubbish all the time. I no the party he belongs.

  • RANGER. 7 years ago


  • Asana. 7 years ago

    This man called himself MP. You're a disgrace to people who voted you to be MP. MP of nonsense.

  • Abeiku SW2 London 7 years ago

    Mr Agbodza the Idiot had to go ... Simple As ... he doesn't own Gambia nor his family you lose you go meaning you are not wanted anymore ... right or wrong he had to go ...

  • 3dem 7 years ago

    Yea yea yea bla bla bla at least we have peace now. We will cross that bridge when we get there. Probably when it's Nigeria or Ghana it will be AU force, not just ECOWAS force. No single individual should hide behind national ...
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  • Kelly 7 years ago

    ECOWAS' intervention was needed. Who on earth will be happy to see another Liberia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. Displacement, chopping off of hands and toes, mass extermination. The MP should have ponder deeply before making thi ...
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  • Simeon Ajatie Magbity. 7 years ago

    Mr. MP sir, a naked man does not put his hands in his pockets. ECOWAS saw the potential danger that was looming over our small sister nation, The Gambia. Did you expect ECOWAS to have sat down and put their hands in their p ...
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  • Simeon Ajatie Magbity. 7 years ago

    The appropriate time to slap a king is when a fly rests on his cheek. The only appropriate time Gambians had to remove the storm from their land was on this occassion by using ECOWAS to slap the cheek of their king.

  • Chief 7 years ago

    Where was this MP when Jammeh was killing, torturing and raping innocent Gambians? Didn't Jammeh kill 40 innocent Ghanaians in the name of national security? Jammeh was not elected by Gambians. He came by force and must be re ...
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  • Love 7 years ago

    I am appalled by the comments of people here. Can't you pass your comments without insults? Hate speeches and violent crimes are the same becos one instigates the other. You call yourself human being yet behave like something ...
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  • Love 7 years ago

    I am appalled by the comments of people here. Can't you pass your comments without insults? Hate speeches and violent crimes are the same becos one instigates the other. You call yourself human being yet behave like something ...
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  • Gambian 7 years ago

    You big mouths need to shut up and your MP needs to spend his time and energy for his constituents. Ghanaians respect democracy and yaya jammeh of gambia make father's mother's and families disappear.