
The man best suited for Asunafo North Municipal Chief Executive--Paul Gyan

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  • Paapidi 7 years ago

    Merely touting project evaluation skills without any particular project cited is a lazy man's style of writing, Mr. Kumi.

    You also failed to mention or disclaim any financial interest in his eventual selection as the MCE o ...
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  • Kofi 7 years ago

    we cannot entrust our future in this guys hands,if there is any such move i will personally call his excellency about this guy.he is not qualify besides we have more competent people to handle our dear district not inexperien ...
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  • Otuo 7 years ago

    this boy pride himself of coming from winneba right from primary school to secondary school, so i think the district can be handle by a native of the district but not an allien.we have more negative revelation about this boy

  • dennis gyimah 7 years ago

    a native is someone who was born and has his umbilical cord buried in asunafo north.paul is one of those guys who can boast of that so dont try to say he is from winneba .he is a true mim boy but his time is not now.

  • dennis gyimah 7 years ago

    pope you are qualified but give your elder bro the chance

  • NANA KOFI 7 years ago

    A leader is the one who can bring unity and development to his people. The one who can influence the youth to develop themselves but not on government always that is what Paul Gyan stand for. He can do better than any contest ...
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