
BNI raids Nii Lante Vanderpuye’s house to seize cars

Nii Lantey Vanderpauye Slsls Nii Lante Vanderpuye, Former Youth and Sports Minister

Tue, 25 Apr 2017 Source:

The Bureau of National Investigations have stormed the residence of Hon. Nii Lante Vanderpuye to seize an alleged cars which belong to the government.

Vanderpuye, a former Youth and Sports minister under the previous government, NDC, is also the Member of Parliament for the Odododiodio Constituency in Greater Accra region. He is currently outside the country on holidays, after parliament went into recess.

“BNI forcefully entered the former minsiter’s house with some people who are NPP members,” a source told

“His wife resisted because of entry without warrant, so two of the BNI vehicles left the scene to secure warrant while one stood in front of the house to wait and monitor situations,” the source added.

Herosportsgh sources have revealed that, a section of irate NDC supporters are on their way to Vanderpuye’s residence to prevent the BNI from retrieving the alleged stolen cars.
