
Visa fraud: Blame Jon Benjamin – Prof. Asare

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  • PATRIOT 7 years ago


  • ATSUKUOR TEI-WAYO 7 years ago


  • WE WATCH 7 years ago

    What does he expect the Commissioner to do?Jon Bee is probably the best Commissioner Ghana has been blessed with and we are not going to allow short sighted idiots to attack him.

  • MANTSE 7 years ago

    How can the 'learned Professor' talk like that?

    You can't find any Popularity in CHEAP SHOTS LIKE this, unless, of course, you are playing to the Illiterate and Uninformed gallery who don't know what the issues are, or are ...
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  • Counselor 7 years ago

    Mantse you may have point there!

  • Bravo 7 years ago

    Professor my foot.Where is this one coming from with his thrashy nonesense

  • nAmE@# 7 years ago


  • Taliban2 7 years ago

    It does not matter the MP is using his private passport or diplomatic passport. He disobey the law according to the visa issue for them

  • Paa Joe (UK) 7 years ago

    The British will give you a long rope to hang yourself so when they catch you the evidence is so overwhelming you just have to plead guilty.
    Just think about it, Ghana shouldn't allow ex MPs and even serving MP to use diplom ...
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  • Joel 7 years ago

    Good analysis

  • Bravo 7 years ago

    Well said,Paa Joe!

  • K-Manu 7 years ago

    Ben how do you respond to this damaging and repugnant comment on your good self as the officer in charge of the Embassy. The Prof is saying You superintended over that shady visa acquisition because the concerned MP's suppose ...
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  • K-Manu 7 years ago

    I mean the staff in the embassy are in collusion with the Appiah man

  • Tinkalor 7 years ago

    Fraud has been committed which has incurred sanctions. What is the pettifogging about? MPs should focus on making Ghana better rather wrecking the country and sending their family overseas.

  • Kwetteh 7 years ago

    Greed and opportunism have brought shame on us and instead of taking full responsibility and sanctioning these MPs, we are trying to blame someone else. He has applied his rules as expected on the UK side. What are our rules ...
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  • OTIKO 7 years ago


  • Kwame 7 years ago

    I bet Prof. Asare, if he is in Ghana, has a diplomatic and personal passports, and is traveling for a private engagement, will use the diplomatic passport. If he is refused a visa, it will be all over the place about discrimi ...
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  • kwabena 7 years ago

    Hey Prof ur sbmission is childish. Its like a kid blaming his Dad for spilling his(kid's) own milk. Again you dont set an arrested bank robber free becos the armed guard at the bank was sleeping on the job and as such could n ...
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    Jon talks too much and behave as if he's a Ghanaian. Can a Ghanaian be allowed to do that in the UK? I thought he was replaced, so why is he still in Ghana? His stay in Ghana is long overdue!!!

  • CHRIST 7 years ago

    Jon must behave like a Diploma. His attitude does not represent his office, and he should know how to talk like a diploma. Jon` s failure to do his work properly had attributed to the brouhaha he is making. He should give us ...
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  • COD 7 years ago

    When an MP is going on a vacation trip he/she is expected to travel on his/her private passport, Prof. Asare?
    You are USA blowing unnecessary grammar out there.

  • Ugly akufo addo 7 years ago

    He is supervising this stupidities

  • Filibusta 7 years ago

    Akufo Addo just passed his "first 100 days", so how did he become responsible for visas for diplomatic passports issued a year ago?

  • Boss 7 years ago

    Wow, Prof Asare, this is so stupid.

  • Joe Lartey 7 years ago

    Defending bad doings,Tweeaaa Ghanafou

  • Nana Asumani 7 years ago

    Benjamin loves our country and for that matter he gets involved even at the very lower levels of our society. I am sure he is enjoying himself in the Ghana and it will be hard for him when the time comes for his recall.

  • Parker 7 years ago

    “Your long-winded, hard-to-fathom letter, suggests that the impugned MPs applied for visa for private reasons and your office was derelict in its duties for allowing them to use their diplomatic passports, rather than their ...
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  • Ad florida 7 years ago

    This Prof is very ignorant. The Uk high commission in Ghana does not issue visas and are not responsible for visa applications, it is rather the UKVI.

  • ACCRAMAN 7 years ago

    Stupid professor indeed. How did you become a professor with such a low thinking capacity. Professor with a low IQ, hahaha.

    The UK embassy will accept any form of genuine passport if it is used for obtaining a visa. The di ...
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  • truth 7 years ago

    So those MPS deeds should shifted to then president? Wai look he too is a lecturer.

  • Kaakie 7 years ago

    Masreeeeee saaaaaaa!! Prof, my tommy oooo dnt make me laugh too much. Looooolx

  • Walewale 7 years ago

    Typical Asare attempt to pass the buck.

    Is Asare saying that the British High Commission should intrude upon all applications for visas by MPs ?If so they have now gone to the trouble to lay down the ground rules.

    The ...
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  • Samy 7 years ago

    Professor Asare! Perhaps a good professor will ask a cogent question and not the pugilistic approach you’ve taken
    1. If the above mentioned individuals were ordinary citizen of Ghana, is the British Commissioner going to u ...
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  • Too None 7 years ago

    If they used their diplomatic passport why will they need a goro boy for,the embassy should not have allowed them to use their diplomatic pass posts for private travel,they only sit there and refused genuine people visas to t ...
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  • Nobleman 7 years ago

    Blame the BH Commissioner and pat the
    the back of such MP's? What kind of professor are you? Do not impart such cancer to your students if indeed you are in the noble profession of teaching> Shame on you professor

  • arkaah kofi 7 years ago

    We need to know which political parties they belong to.why d silence on their political backgrounds?

  • Counselor 7 years ago

    NPP may be influencing the professor's judgment on this topic-professor come out with the parties of these diplomats and rest your case.

  • KPE COBLA 7 years ago

    is the prof saying you must blame the University if a student fakes their cert, blame a landlord for poor security when he is robbed, blame the DVLA for fake licenses? Eh Prof this one di33

  • Big Bro. 7 years ago

    At times I understand the reason Why We are where We are. Would you see Chinese or Japanese condenming their people the way We do? Can you tell me that no British has ever overstay his or her visa? When they spews these thing ...
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  • Dan Buduh 7 years ago

    If even he didn't initially do his work well, should he gross over what he has detected? No way! He should not! If you as a Professor errs in marking a script and cross-checking, you detect that,will you not correct the error ...
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  • asem 7 years ago

    as for this man known as Prof Asare, he is the most useless man l have ever seen in life. You are describing it as waste of time. He has done his job very well. Wait, the USA will also start their investigations very soon. Yo ...
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  • Sankofa 7 years ago

    John Benjamin is a maverick.

    Has he not left his post?

    Why is he taking up this issue? Is it not for the Foreign Office and British Immigration to pursue?

    Jon Benjamin causes trouble wherever he goes.

    He should le ...
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  • Prof 7 years ago

    Prof. U have proved, indeed you are a professor, that high commissioner is very stupid and naïve

  • Ali Mahama 7 years ago

    These are also acts of Corruption.If we want to get to the bottom of this case let CHRAJ carry out the Investigations.Parliament will disappoint us as they did with the Mama Ayariga's case.

  • Pius Dakora 7 years ago

    Prof Asare your view on this matter is wrong and disturbing. 4 MPs are alleged to have used their positions to commit visa fraud including child trafficking. It doesn't matter whether the High Commissioner was negligent or ev ...
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  • Captein 7 years ago

    Prof. ASARE has every right to state an opinion. But to state such opinion that is so lopsided, has become the bane of African intellectual and especially the so called lawyers of Ghana who mostly would have qualified from th ...
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  • Captein 7 years ago

    Sorry fought is the word. Excuse my grammar too, sometimes.

  • NiiTeye 7 years ago

    A lot of stupid people with PhDs in this country. It's a shame even our MPs are belittling themselves this way. You keep messing up the country, but want your family to stay in UK? Crazy fools