
Prioritise support to struggling industries not one-district one-factory policy – Koomson

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  • aikins (mission accomplished) 7 years ago

    Prioritise 1500 workers over one district one factory doesn't make sense .

  • Zoobie-Zoobie 7 years ago


  • gym your pocket 7 years ago

    koomson you're not SRS.

  • Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 7 years ago

    Where were you Shallow minded substandard person when Koomson was attacking the ex government left right centre. Better think through alternative suggestions and stip insults and branding everyone an NDC.

  • Kwesi Nyame Senadze 7 years ago

    Good contribution brother Kwesi Atta. But we need the Secretary General, Comrade Abraham to channel these efforts in developing proposals for the government to work with. The annual speeches can only make us popular but what ...
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  • Bobby, Denmark 7 years ago

    Waaa look! People talk trash. How can He prioritise few over all?? One district,one factory is the common answer. Get lost, Koomson!

  • Ray 7 years ago

    This is his job

  • francis 7 years ago

    Koomson cannot deny the fact that he's a strong NDC man. And he can't also deny that it was his own govt/party who collapsed the textile industry. What advise did he give to his NDC govt on the plight of the industry. He shou ...
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  • kk 7 years ago

    Wait and have patience because I read Govt already planned re what your concerns are.

  • Adansi-krachi 7 years ago

    Mr. Koomson are really thinking of employment? The one district one factory policy will create more jobs than these ur old non function textile industries. Where are getting ur materials from? Think n be more analytical. Don' ...
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  • HONABE 7 years ago

    Koomson Is right! Where is PSI? Where is Ayensu Starch factory. Government of utopians.

  • BERNARD 7 years ago

    1). USE VITAL 5 WITH MULTI MACA have a special property which enhanc ...
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  • TWEAA dc 7 years ago

    Much as your call for government to revive and support the textile industry is right, it can't be done at the expense of the one district, one factory policy. Textiles are not the only products needed in Ghana which can be ma ...
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  • El-Wak 7 years ago

    It would be necessary to prioritise some industries without having to abandon the one district, one factory policy.
    The textile industry can be revamped if the government is committed to protecting home industries. I find i ...
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  • Mame Victoria 7 years ago

    Mr. Koomson ur rght.Uncivilized people use unguided words on social media. Shame on all who used abusive words commentin on this issue

  • Yaw Agyei 7 years ago

    Mr. Abraham Koomson's labour wars to exact more dues and total lack of undrstanding of piece rate and other competitiveness instruments is what put off new investment in the textiles industry.