
Why young people do not get employed these days

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  • Rich John Gold 7 years ago


  • Joe 7 years ago

    Helpful! Thanks

  • Sulemana Saliu Tampuri 7 years ago

    This is very important and necessary as we the youth have taking social media for fun.

  • AAbu 7 years ago

    Poor spelling, pidgin English, earphones and inappropriate dressing constitute reasons why young men are turned away from jobs

  • Kaakie 7 years ago

    100% true. Hope ppl read and heed to the wisdom shared.

  • GP 7 years ago

    What a stupid article.. You are telling me an established company that receives hundreds of applications every day will have the time to go through every applicant's social platforms?

  • Jame 7 years ago

    It is better for someone to expose their true character rather than hiddening it like pregnancy and later causing problems. Any employer the wise ones will look at competency and skills and not those humour social media posts ...
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  • Amotia JINNI Powers man+233547122212 7 years ago

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