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Delegation from China’s largest company visits Takoradi Port

China Port Company The Tarkoradi Ports handles about 65% of Ghana's total exports

Tue, 6 Jun 2017 Source:

The expansion of the Port of Takoradi continues to attract investors.

A delegation from Sinopec which is China's largest and the world's third-largest company has visited the Port of Takoradi to explore some business opportunities in the ongoing Takoradi port expansion project.

The delegation was received by management of the Port of Takoardi.

The Marketing and Public Relations Manager of Takoradi port, Peter Amo-Bediako took the team through expansion works done so far at the port.

He revealed that 200m out of 800m quay wall has been completed and it is currently being used to receive vessels.

Richard Acquah, Port Operations Manager of Takoradi Port averred that the port of Takoradi is opened to strategic investors.

The delegation from Sinopec were later taken on tour of the Takoradi port where they saw for themselves the expansion works.

Meanwhile, a delegation from Ghana Manganese Co. Limited (GMC) and Ningxia Tianyuan Manganese Industry Company (TMI) from China also visited the Port of Takoradi.

The purpose of the visit was for officials of Ningxia Tianyuan Manganese Industry Company to acquaint themselves with the port’s facilities, the port expansion project and manganese operations through the port of Takoradi.
