
Closure of UEW worse than Major Mahama’s lynching - Afenyo-Markin

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  • Kofi 7 years ago

    No comparison of lynching to anything

  • jim 7 years ago

    Irresponsible buffoonery of this kind, this school can be open in a day or two,what of a life lost? He is such as an idiot at the highest

  • Issa 7 years ago

    Markin talks foolishly. Perhaps it's a new kind of arrogance

  • They Say They Say 7 years ago

    stupid people for a change indeed

  • Athena 7 years ago

    That man simply an animal

  • Kobby 7 years ago

    Irresponsible and loose talk. Did this MP not get any other thing to compare the closure of the university with than the death of this officer? And yet he calls himself a law-maker. Shameful.

  • Mallam Amotia JINNI Powers man(+23354 7 years ago

    Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritual sick ...
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  • Ato John 7 years ago

    Please Hon Afenyo-Markin, this comparison is overboard.You need to apologise to the family, this is disgraceful, no way to gain political points.

  • James Naru 7 years ago

    You are addressing this man as Honourable. ????

  • prosper 7 years ago


  • NPPigs 7 years ago


  • truth 7 years ago

    for your brother or Dad!

  • Pusiga Naaba 7 years ago

    This MP is a hazard to NPP. What the hell should you compare this sensitive death to school closure. You are a menace to society and detrimental to your own party NPP. You are behaving like the ingrate Koku Anyidohu and bra ...
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  • Francis 7 years ago

    There are some MPs I don't like in Ghana here. The first of them is Afenyo Markins . He always hide behind the shadows and be committing crime.How can you talk so loose as a law maker ?

  • prof. Rasheed 7 years ago

    Its only this foolish criminal politician who will talk like this.
    His embarassing end is near.

  • Michael Asaana 7 years ago

    no life will be taken if the institution (uew)closes down so Alexander Afenyo Marking should come again

  • CITIZEN GHANA 7 years ago

    You are heartless Afenyo don't you have any feelings for Mahamas family...a big shame on you..

  • AT 7 years ago

    Unfortunate comparison, how can you equate a permanent situation to a temporary one. This should not be coming from a law maker. Hon must realise that you can't run away from your own shadow. You are only interested in holdi ...
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  • Kweku 7 years ago

    Unprofessional comments from irresponsible MP. Is this the competent that Akuffo Addo preached whiles campaigning. I regret voting for these people. God have mercy on Ghana

  • BABZY 7 years ago

    Blood sucker, you are wicked to the bone and shouldn't be referred to as human

  • Yaovi 7 years ago

    AFENYO you said closure was not part of the relieves you sought. But you went to the extent of seeking a declaration to nullify even certificates the council issued. This simply means all they are doing including running the ...
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  • Atta - USA 7 years ago

    This is the "competency" Bawumia promised. Oh! Ama Ghana, you are finished.

  • asem 7 years ago

    what has Bawumia done? this lawyer is stupid that is all

  • Jay 7 years ago

    This is very insensitive statement.

  • abass 7 years ago

    Stupid Idiotic MP. Why compare the loss of human life to this? Are you really serious? What kind of person are you? Donkey.

  • PAUL GBAGBLADZA 7 years ago

    Stupid mp. Bloody fool

  • Spiritual Realm. 7 years ago

    This guy has no brains... 2020 is not far. We pray for long and the insiders pushing you shall be brought to Shame...your occultism would not safe you...idiot and insensitive bloody fool.

  • Yusif Issa 7 years ago

    MP does not mean MAD PERSON. Enough of such stupid talk by any MP.

  • Campus Ministry Report 7 years ago

    What sort of comments are these. You do not need to make such comparison. There is no wisdom in it at all.

    I encourage people to have a quiet time in the mornings, or continue to meditate on the WORD. The book of PROVERBS ...
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  • k the h 7 years ago

    This lawyer Afienya Markin is a fool. Belittling the lynching of Major Mahama. No one deserves to die the way Major Mahama died. Foolish Afienya Markin

  • Wasteman 7 years ago


  • 20/20 7 years ago

    How do we always end up with these idiots as elected officials? Is it a reflection of the ignorance of the citizens?

  • They Say They Say 7 years ago

    The leaders are the reflection and carbon copy of the citizenry.

  • ugly akufo addo 7 years ago

    he make noise for nothing

  • ACCRAMAN 7 years ago

    This guy is very dangerous and can cause chaos in future.

    Can you imagine this guy sitting on the supreme court as a judge?

  • JN 7 years ago

    I blame ur constituents after all they gave you the chance to spew this garbage. How can you compare this.

  • Kwesi 7 years ago

    This too known guy talks "by heart". Such analogy is not wrong, it is distasteful both in tone and content. Stupid!!!!!!!

  • Kwesi 7 years ago

    **...not only...**

  • Fred 7 years ago

    useless MP so far. chasing gals at uew.

  • Tiger bay 7 years ago

    Plenty book knowledge like a parrot but zero home sense. Heartless man. I can't believe this. Heartless man.

  • Nana Shortie 7 years ago

    Afenyo Markin is insentive and mad. How can you compare the closure of an institution with the death of somebody's loved one? Are you out of your senses? Wait till Soldiers charged on you then we will see if lynching is good ...
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  • Kwamina 7 years ago

    This Afenyo is like a mad dog infested with rabies. He is a criminal at chore. Why did the Efutu people vote for him? He spends most of his time chasing Uew girls. I hope he is saving some money with these law cases he is ...
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  • James Naru 7 years ago

    Stupid statement.
    How can you draw parallels between killing someone and closure of institutions.

    I wish the lynched soldier was your son

  • and he said what? 7 years ago

    Afenyo-Markin is a goat.

  • Athena 7 years ago

    What kind of analogy is this stupid MP making? Indeed, we have fools and lunatics as lawmakers in Ghana. It's sad.

  • Obama 7 years ago

    This is the evidence that Ghana parliament is filled with nothing but a bunch of fools.
    Even a 6yr old kid won't make such a stupid

  • 30 centimetre beak 7 years ago

    I know Afenyo Markin is a foolish boy already.He has become arrogant and I don't understand. Is it because his face looks like a mouse and his mouth has become longer than my 30 centimetre beak? This my former friend should s ...
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  • Wuntimi 7 years ago

    Eeei Afenyo Markins the court gymnastic man should give us a break .

  • Pressman 7 years ago

    This is a so-called MP caught red-handed on audio soliciting for bribes,and now the scumbag with loose mouth is comparing the closure of University of Education to the lynching of Major Mahama. NPP must counsel this boy to wa ...
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  • Deri 7 years ago

    to compare a closure of UEW to Major Mahama’s lynching is a clear display that the legislature, Afenyo-Markin, is suffering from mental dehydration. Afenyo-Markin is gunning to be like the people of Denkyira- Oboase, and he ...
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  • SEC 7 years ago

    Best students in Ghana compelled to do Science leaving these people to become lawyers and thus judges to take this country for aride.I wonder why judges cannot beb sensitive to the majority by assessing impact of their so cal ...
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  • Kwadwo Kyei 7 years ago

    What the hell was he thinking? It's like comparing apples and oranges. The two events have nothing in common. How can you compare a tragic, brutal murder to school closing? The comparison was too far fetched, to put it mildl ...
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  • Nozario 7 years ago

    I'm seriously hurt by this stupid comparison that is been made by this MP, how could he be so insensitive? Power is what is making you talk this way abi?

  • kwaku asare 7 years ago

    irresponsible comment. am disappointed hope Late captain's family forgive him

  • Mallam Amotia JINNI Powers+2335471222 7 years ago

    ,,,, Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritual ...
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  • W D S. U S A 7 years ago

    This MP should be arrested bse he knows something about the majors brutal death. Do not treat this lightly. He is being haunted by the spirit of our dear major. I hope he will. not rest untill all the culprits are arrested n ...
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  • asonaba kofi 7 years ago

    is that the only comparison he could come out with? some of these npp guys are so pompous and heartless.

  • Maabena 7 years ago

    Loose talk.. How can you compare closing down of a University to the Major's death while the family is still in a mourning state. Afenyo should learn to choose the right diction. I don't blame you though but those...........

  • JAL 7 years ago

    Mr MP, you could have made your statement without making comparison to the Mahama lynching. Was this necessary? Very very insensitive for you to have done so. Truly disappointed.

  • Insensitive Hoodlum 7 years ago

    Reason why Aristotle said man by nature is a political animal. How could you make such an animalistic and uncouth remark? He talks like a hoodlum and it is not a wonder that nadaa wouldn't recognise such byheart and loose ta ...
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  • Insensitive Hoodlum 7 years ago

    Crude, unrefined, animalistic assertion

  • Mallam Amotia JINNI Powers man(+23354 7 years ago

    ... Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritual ...
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  • Bishop blay 7 years ago

    Childish and balderdash.

  • omanbapa 7 years ago

    Insensitive human in a lawyer

  • Samson 7 years ago

    Afenyo markin who do you think you are? And he is the MP of Efutu? Woe unto the people of Efutu for continually voting this nonentity as their MP.