
DVLA’s mandatory towing fees: Excuse me!

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  • ROGUE LAWYER 7 years ago

    when you row out ,self centered selfish,and unwise policies, dont forget you are scaring investors confident.
    i dont understand what is wrong , with Africa leaders, that always looking for a way to make the life of the peopl ...
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  • Nii Joromi 7 years ago

    In addition to the bad roads, driving at night is hell especially where there are no street lights and no visible road markings or signs. Drive at night in any developed country and you will marvel at all the night friendly r ...
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  • kof 7 years ago

    l just cant think far,,npp,,oh npp,,npp,,God punish you people

  • Ghanaman USA 7 years ago

    Decentralize DVLA and all will be good.

  • Chuks, Nima. 7 years ago

    I have some questions;
    1. If I live in Tamale and my car breaks down in Nsawam, will they tow my car to Tamale or just parking it somewhere for me to go pick?
    2. Will they tow to my workshop or to my house?
    3. Will I be pr ...
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  • Did he condemned the killings.. 7 years ago

    Wiw,wow.stip there.How many hours,days weeks broken vehicle stays in our roads that causes accidents..uncountable .Ghana society is lawless society.why I am saying this?.we have witnessed many death because of broken vehicles ...
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  • By Darison 7 years ago

    In fact African leaders don't think of the will of the people but rather what suit them

  • Nii Joromi 7 years ago

    Towing companies should tow and charge owners of the vehicles involved. Period.

  • KY 7 years ago

    Bad Roads not even Car Worthy..the rains revealing all the terribe roads which increases car breakdowns. Car owners to spend more in car maintenance. Transport systems need major attention, no immediate solutions yet.

  • Mallam Amotia JINNI Powers man(+23354 7 years ago

    .... Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritual ...
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  • Mallam Amotia JINNI Powers man(+23354 7 years ago

    ..... Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritua ...
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