George Nyemi-Tei, Brands manager for XODUS Communications
The Auto Show 2017 has been held on Thursday in Accra, to enable manufacturers and suppliers in the Automotive industries showcase the latest model of cars, auto products, and services.
The trade show brought together exhibitors from countries across the globe to create a platform for networking, discuss emerging trends and make connections with professionals from all areas of the automobile industry.
Exhibitors including Silver Star, Mercedes Benz, Allianz motors, Rana Motors, Stallion Motors, Toyota, Japan Motors, Nissan, Alfa Romeo, GMC, Yenmark, Yigit Aku, Mil Oil, Britpart, Qingdao, PIX Transmission, Addinol and many more offered visitors the chance to interact with their favourite brands and to discover their latest models.
George Nyemi-Tei, Brands manager for XODUS Communications, cautioned the general public about buying used cars with little information adding that such cars have no warranty.
He indicated that used cars stand the risk of developing major faults easily and in most cases, some car dealers lie to their customers to purchase a car to increase their gross profits and sale numbers.
"People who sell by the roadside are always in a haste to sell their cars and make their money and they don’t care about a lot of things. There’s no warranty attached to it. These used cars have been used outside countries for a long period of time, minimum 3yrs and they easily get faulty when purchased’’.
He urged the public to take advantage of such exhibitions to interact with the right car dealers in order to attain the right information about their choice of vehicles that come with reasonable terms and warranty.
On the sidelines of the exhibition, a cocktail dinner will be organized in the evening for all exhibitors and participants to interact with potential buyers and business partnerships.
The event is organised by XODUS Communications.