
Kufuor's Son Owns 40% Of GIA

Wed, 11 May 2005 Source: NATIONAL DEMOCRAT

?Mr. President, is it true or false?

The NATIONAL DEMOCRAT wants President J.A. Kufuor to confirm or deny that 40% of Ghana International Airlines, (GIA) the company that is taking over Ghana Airways is owned by his son, Chief Kufuor.

The President should also confirm or deny the fact that an 88 plush residential apartment for his family members and friends is about to be put up in front of his house; the contract for the construction has been awarded to an Italian firm, Teraconni.

Last week, President Kufuor confirmed that the hotel structure in front of his residence was bought by his son, Chief Kufuor (the same son who owns 40% of GIA) but the NATIONAL DEMOCRAT can confirm that this is not true.

The building is in the name of Chief Kufuor but Chief is only fronting for his father, President Kufuor. President Kufuor owns that hotel!

As the NATIONAL DEMOCRAT has already stated, the negotiation for the purchase of the hotel structure was lead on his behalf by his alleged Iraqi concubine, Gizelle Yagzi and was bought at $3million after the reluctant owner, Anthony Saoud, was arm-twisted to sell it or face the NPP government?s wrath.

The Kufuor family is grabbing every major business deal in Ghana leaving what for Ghanaians? The greed of the family has seen some key NPP members lashing out at the President.

On the streets, in chop bars, churches and at hospitals and in homes, Ghanaians are beginning to speak out against the property grabbing family but it seems their complaint is falling on deaf ears as the family continues its property grabbing unabated. More later.

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