
A valediction to a brother/friend and team mate

Wed, 8 Mar 2017 Source: vincent kosi

Erasmus Kwaku Edoe Adorkor aka Ayoma and I grew up in Anyako in the 1970s where he went to Anyako R C Primary school and I E.P Primary. Unfortunately our paths never crossed on the soccer field until we got to Keta secondary school now Keta senior Technical high school (Ketasco). In 1976, Edoe and I broke into the school team for a gala at Dzodze Penyi Secondary school. He featured in all the matches Ketasco played as a student in form one. Even though we did not win the trophy that year, Edoe promised that things will getter for the school in the coming years. And things got better when for the following three years we won the championship for three consecutive years. The remarkable thing about the whole thing is for 1979 and 1980, our goalkeeper whom we called Ayoma conceded a single goal and that happened to be an own goal from his defense. In post he looked like a tiger commanding us and positioning us. Ayoma did not only keep for the school, but for the zone and the region. He was part of the soccer revolution that started in Abruquah house when we virtually dropped all those who have been playing based on seniority and formed a formidable house team with form one and two students. This revolution was to spread to the school soccer team and ensured a formidable team through the years.

Ayoma was not only a soccer star; he was also an avid volleyball player as well as an accomplished athlete. He ensured that sports never took all his time. He spent his quiet time reading his books to catch up on areas that he was lagging in. It was based on his sound advice that I quickly changed my subjects from science to arts. He advised that due to our sports schedule, it will be beneficial to read than to calculate.

When he became a national coach, I was always with him at the Kaneshie sports complex. His team members virtually took me as one of their technical crew as I was always at their training sessions. I remember when Erasmus came to Bolgatanga Secondary school (Big Boss) and requested the headmaster to release me for him to go to Burkina Faso for a tournament. When I got back, the headmaster thinking I was a volleyball coach assigned me to the school volleyball team but I quickly told him I was not a proper volleyball coach.

Somewhere in 2002, Erasmus visited me in Minnesota USA and spent some time with me. He told me he wanted to make Ghana volleyball great and I told him the most important thing is to have the desire to do something.

On my recent trip to Ghana, Erasmus and I discussed very important issues which to my greatest disappointment have not been put into action yet. When he went to China last year, he was always in contact with me discussing issues that we believe will be good for our families.

On January 25 2017, I was in the emergency room where I sent word to Erasmus to ensure my daughter goes back to school at the University of Ghana. He spoke to my daughter and told her he was on his way to Accra to see to everything. That was the last time the two of us communicated. The next thing I heard was the sudden passing of my brother, my friend and my everything.

Despite this huge loss to me personally, I still have hope the good Lord with grant reprieve to Erasmus and grant him eternal rest till we surely meet again.

Vincent Kosi (Muzenge)

On behalf of the back four

Ignatuis Agagah ( Shekeshe)

Daniel Senaya ( Totominyanya)

George Doe (Makwakwa/Thunder)

Source: vincent kosi