
Abrah-Appiah wants compensation for GFA

Abra Appiah 21

Wed, 24 Sep 2014 Source:

Ghana Premier League board chairman Welbeck Abra-Appiah has lamented the lack of compensation package for bodies that arbitrate cases at the Ghana FA, which has contributed to the delay of the start of the new season.

Disciplinary cases have delayed the start of the new Ghana Premier League season with King Faisal the latest to drag the association to court.

The habitual delay in the start of the Premier League has scampered the programmes of the Premier League Board over the years.

The new season was expected to kick-starts on September 21 but a High court injunction has thrown the FA’s calendar away.

But the country’s Premier League Board chief Welbeck Abra-Appiah is unhappy with the turn of events and feels personnel employed to adjudicate cases are not compensated well enough.

“It’s disturbing issue which must be addressed. I have not said this publicly but people who are expected to sit on the cases due so voluntarily,” he told Asempa FM.

“They are virtually like friends of the FA who at their own free-will come around to sit on cases. “They are not well compensated and do not feel oblige to sit on cases and make rulings.

“Some of them also have sympathy for certain clubs and therefore recourse themselves when their clubs are brought to the disciplinary committee.

“It’s a worrying and frustrating situation. We were supposed to start the league in August but look at where we’re.”
