
Abuga Pele proposes new recipe for Sports development

Thu, 22 Nov 2001 Source: GNA

Mr Abuga Pele, Minority Spokesman on Youth and Sports has stated that for the country to regain its image in sports, particularly soccer, the authorities have to define their objectives clearly and prosecute them conclusively through concerted efforts.

The Minority Spokesman said sports development in general is a planned activity based on sustained effort by all stakeholders, including corporate organisations.

Speaking to the GNA Sports on Thursday, Mr Pele said, the traditional way of organising sports in the country is not the best and must change to conform to modern global trends which hinge on commercialisation if sports is to move forward in this country.

He said a major reorientation, which would hype the infusion of capital and the provision of necessary infrastructure, has to occur to concretise a positive change.

Mr Pele who is also the Member of Parliament for Chiana-Paga constituency said the issue of finance is paramount, yet its availability would depend on the performance of our teams. This in turn depends on sound management and planning, which should lay the basic foundation for a successful take off.

The M.P. said the ad-hoc manner in which sports is organised presently shows that attention is not always focused on long term planning and priority setting and this would only keep the country where it is rather than move it forward.

Mr Pele observed that countries, which have planned carefully and set clear objectives, have progressed in various disciplines of sports.

He cited the national soccer team of Senegal, the Lions, whose performance in the last Nation's Cup co-hosted by Ghana and Nigeria was clearly purposive even though they failed to lift the cup.

The Deputy Minority Ranking Member said Senegal's qualification to the World Cup after their impressive run in the Nations Cup is the result of sustained prosecution of their long-term objectives.

The MP identified other problems that militate against the progress of the Black Stars as selection of players through the age group competitions, the quality of coaches appointed to the team and the level of motivation before matches.

He said if the problems are not tackled vigorously the Black Stars aim of winning the Nations Cup in Mali would be a mirage and participation in a World Cup would remain a dream.

Source: GNA