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Abuga Pele to head National Sports Council

Tue, 24 Mar 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, March 24, GNA - The former Member of Parliament for Chiana-Paga, Abuga Pele, has been penciled down as a replacement for the Chief Executive Officer of the National Sports Council to take over from the incumbent, Prince Ernest Oduro-Mensah.

A "supreme" source told GNA Sports that Mr Pele, Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the upcoming African Hockey Championship would soon be out-doored as the new boss of the NSC. The source said the former MP, an ardent sports fan is expected to assume his role in a matter of days.

The source said the appointment of Mr Pele partly influenced the decision to make him the Chairman of the LOC in line with the Minister of Youth and Sports, Alhaji Muntaka Mohammed Mubarak's policy to give the LOC some form of permanency.

The former M.P. who was a Ranking Member for the Sports Committee in the last Parliament was a member of the Academicals in 1979, where he was voted the best Middle League Star for that year. He holds a Masters of Philosophy Degree in Development from the University of Ghana and once featured for Real Tamale United FC. Whilst at Legon, he was the captain of Legon Football Club under the administration of President John Evans Atta Mills, then President of the Amalgamated Sports Club.

Until the appointment of Prince Oduro-Mensah, several of his predecessors had worked in an acting capacity.

Source: GNA