
RE: Ghanaian Cyclist Blame Old Bicycles……….. “For Poor Show”

Wed, 28 Sep 2011 Source: President - Ghana Cycling Association

We refer to the above-captioned article in your Tuesday, September 13th Edition of the Daily Graphic at the back page written by your Michael Quaye from Maputo.

We find it rather amazing that the Director General of the National Sports Authority, (NSA) Mr. Wolanyo Agra is blaming the poor performance on the impasse in the Ghana Olympic Committee and to that extent the Ghana Cycling Association for being autonomous.

This is an unfortunate statement to be made by no less a person than the Director General of the National Sports Authority. It shows a complete lack of knowledge and understanding of the rules and regulations governing the operations of both the Ghana Olympic Committee and Ghana Cycling Association.

For the purpose of edification of the Director General, the GOC operates under a constitution which was endorsed by the International Olympic Committee. The GOC by its constitution is composed of all the Sports Federations in Ghana and membership is by affiliation. The GOC constitution provides for its autonomy but at the same time makes provisions for collaboration with government for the promotion and development of Sports in the Country.

Similarly the GCA has a constitution and it is affiliated with the International Cycling Union (UCI). GCA attained its membership of the UCI sometime 2008. By its constitution it is autonomous and executive positions are to be contested by way of elections by the members of the Association. Mr. Agra had been in charge of the National Sports Authority since 2009 and ought to have known these facts before making the blunder of recommending persons for appointment as executives of the various sports federations contrary to both the GOC and GCA Constitutions.

The law establishing the National Sports Authority provides the objects of the National Sports Authority which includes the promotions and development of Sports in Ghana, the provision of financial assistance to Sportsmen and federations etc. The core objects of the NSA has not changed since its enactment in 1975 and the GOC impasse did not in any way prevent the NSA from performing its duties as provided under the law. Neither did the autonomy of the federations change the objects of the NSA.

Is Mr. Agra by the reasons stated blaming democracy in the running of Sports Federations for the failures in Maputo 2011? We believe Mr. Agra as head of the Sports Authority has more questions to answer. How much money did he provide for the Cycling Federation to prepare towards Maputo, 2011? The answer is obvious. For him to turn around to blame the Cycling Federation for their performance is rather vexatious. More so when the nation does not have a single bicycle in its name. Perhaps Mr. Agra’s comments are to provide him with an excuse for his poor performance in Maputo.

It is imprudent on the part of the Director General to blame anyone when the reasons for the poor performance can be reasonably attributed to the NSA.

There is a need for all stakeholders to have a critical look at the operations of the NSA vis -a -vis the Sports Federations.

Mr. Agra, come again.

Mohammed Sahnoon (President - Ghana Cycling Association)

Source: President - Ghana Cycling Association