
Aquinas, St. Louis Lift Jubilee Trophies

Mon, 4 Feb 2002 Source: Accra Mail

St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School in the Greater Accra Region, and St. Louis Secondary School, from the Ashanti Region at the weekend emerged champions in the Catholic Jubilee Schools Games organised for Catholic institutions celebrating their anniversary this year.

Five Catholic schools celebrating the anniversary are St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, Accra, Opoku Ware Secondary School, Kumasi, St. John's Secondary School, Secondi/Takoradi, St. Louis Secondary School, Kumasi and Bishop Herman Secondary School, Ho. Invited schools that participated in the games were Accra Girls Secondary School, St. Mary Secondary School, in Accra and OLA Secondary School from Ho.

Opoku Ware Secondary School suffered a lone goal defeat at the hands of Aquinas, the host school in the football and 44 - 25 under the same school in basketball. This gave Aquinas the chance to become the overall best, relegating Opoku Ware to the third position, while the boys from Bishop Herman took the second position.

St. John's Secondary School went back home with virtually nothing after the three games- football, basketball and volleyball.

In the girls division, St. Louis was first, with St. Mary's placing second and Accra Girls Secondary School third.

Each of the boys' schools was presented with an ice chest, and the girls' schools with core science books. The schools that placed first in each game had a trophy and a ball and those that came second received balls.

Mr. James Berko, Headmaster of Opoku Ware Secondary School in the closing address after the three-day games, commended the old students of the schools for organizing the games, which he said create a cordial relationship among schools.

He said it has been the policy of the Catholic Church to inculcate in the youth not only formal education but to nurture them morally as well. He therefore praised the students for comporting themselves and making the sports successful and memorable.

Mr. Berko also cautioned the students against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and asked them to desist from social vices that could destroy their potentials.

He announced that the Catholic Jubilee Games would be celebrated on rotational basis, and encouraged other students to participate in sports so that their talents would be unearthed and polished by professionals to the development of the nation.

Source: Accra Mail