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No Ike Quartey Return

Thu, 9 Jul 2009 Source: prince osei- bonsu, worcester.

The Former trainer of Ike Quartey the  former title holder of the Super Welter weight, Coach Dan Odamttey has disclosed that he does not believe that his ward will come back into the boxing ring again," Ike is now very seriously in business in Accra, managing his hotel and trying to take care of other things but not to do what he knows best."

     Coach Odamttey noted.," I have known Ike since his infancy and I handled him when he was 9 years old until we decided to separate so that each could take care of other things and as at now I am trying to bring up my kids in a nice way as the bible says that' train a child in a God fearing way, so that when he/she grows up he will not depart from that".

     "It is far from the truth that Ike is arrogant or disrespectful, the truth is the former Champion insists and fights for what he thinks it is good for him, but if you get closer to him one can see that he is a good guy, though at times we do disagree on few issues but we get back on track to do what is right, Mr. Odamttey explained.

     The coach indicated he will be going back to Accrawith the target to unearth boxing talents and nurturing them into stardom. If and when asked to be a trainer for one such talent, the coach suggested that he will first have to enter into a contract with the prospect. He reiterated that his aim is to bring new talents into the lime light.     Coach Odamttey lamented about the poor facilities, managers and administrative officials as a bottleneck for the growth of professional boxing in Ghana. He pointed out that even though Ghanahas had boxing greats like Azumah Nelson, D.K Poison, Joshua Clottey, Kofi Jantuah,  Agbeko,Raymond Narh,ect, when it comes to help, boxers especially up and coming ones do not get anything from officialdom. He described this as very painful and discouraging.            In an exclusive interview with this free-lance Journalist in Quinsigamond Park  Worcester last weekend,where the Gadangme Unoin in Worcester organized a cook-out on the Republic Holiday of the Americana's,  he noted that Ike was like his brother whom he shared some things in common with, but now the two of them live in a different worlds and get in touch once a while via telephone. He also visits Ike when he makes his travels to Accrathe capital of Ghanaand this has been the source of strength for their friendship .

Source: prince osei- bonsu, worcester.