
Binatone sponsors first ever Beach Skate Soccer event

Binatone Sponsors Skate Executive Directo of SYDO(Alfred Frimpong and Mr.Venu Babu(MD OF Binatone

Wed, 18 Jan 2017 Source: Binatone Ghana

The first ever Beach Skate soccer event was held at the La Pleasure beach with sponsorship from Binatone.

Binatone, the first choice in household electrical and electronic appliance with its marketing network spanning over 50 countries, in collaboration with Sports and Youth Development Organization Ghana (SYDO) an NGO is committed to the development of the physically challenged members of our society (particularly polio victims) who dangerously beg for alms on the streets using locally made skateboards and whatever can be done to better their living conditions.

The event witnessed by hundreds of patrons who had come see the Accra Giants play the Ashanti Warriors in this new sport.

Present were Sunil Lalvani the group CEO of Binatone, Mr. Venu Babu the MD for Binatone, Mr. Amar from IPMC, senior Journalist and President of Ghana Beach Soccer Yaw Ampofo Ankrah, the Executive Director of SYDO Alfred Frimpong representatives from the National Sports Authority.

The Beach skate soccer event is an innovation and precisely the first of its kind anywhere in the world. This involves the building of a platform either a (Basketball or Law Tennis court size) on the shores of the beach.

The main target is the physically challenged members of society especially those who dangerously move swiftly on the streets begging for alms using locally made skateboards.

According to Mr. Sunil Lalvani the group CEO of Binatone, “we asa corporate organization are organizing this fiesta of SKATE SOCCER, a super SPORT created by SYDO. It’s a sport for the physically challenged and we are very proud and confident to say that it is the nicest of all physically challenged sports round the world”.

Mr. Venu Babu stressed that the Government alone cannot develop the sport and so there is the need to raise funds through sponsorship from corporate organizations and possibly set up some enterprises for the physically challenged members of society who are willing to venture into productive businesses and also provide trading capital for others who want to trade.

These initiatives may potentially assist them to leave the streets and desist from begging and be integrated into normal society. This eventually will make them self-reliant.

It is for these reasons Binatone is sponsoring the event and called on other corporate bodies to get on board.

At the end of the game’s proceedings the scoreline was 4-4 for both Accra Giants and Ashanti Warriors. This took the game to a penalty kicks which Ashanti Warriors emerge the winners with 2-0 result.

Gariba Saani from Accra Giants won the most valuable/ best player/ goal king trophy as well as 2 swatch watches and blender from Binatone.

Billy Adamu from Ashanti Warriors won best goal keeper trophy and receives a swatch watch and a blender. On top of it all the winning team received Binatone standing fans each whereas the losing team had rice cooker each.

Source: Binatone Ghana