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Black Challenge Captain denies publication

Ghana Amputee Football 5 20 At 4.jpeg Ghana National Amputee Football team

Fri, 21 Jun 2024 Source: Mawuli Viwotor, Contributor

The caption of the Ghana National Amputee Football team, Richard Arthur Opentil thas denied granting any interview to the media, explaining the reasons for which the team visited former President John Dramani Mahama.

In a reaction to the publication in GhanaWeb, Richard Arthur Opentil stated categorically that he did not know any interview he granted to that effect.

"I have not said anything like that or granted any interview to the media, explaining why we went to visit the former President," Arthur Opentil stated.

In the said publication, "We visited John Mahama because we never had the chance to meet Akufo-Addo -Amputee Football Captain", the captain is reported to have said the visit was because the team had not been given the chance to meet the President.

Richard Opentil wondered how he could be quoted to have said those things at a time when he had not granted any interview on the matter.

"It isn't only strange but malicious in nature and I want to make it clear that I never said that; so the story should be considered as a fabrication," he said.

He called on his mates to be wary of what they say, to avoid meddling in matters they are not responsible for.

"Let's focus on our game and give honour to those in leadership positions," he advised.

The Ghana National Amputee Football team, won their consecutive African Amputee Football Cup of Nations (AAFCON), after defeating Morocco 2-1 in the finals in Egypt. The ON), after defeating Morocco 2-1 in the finals in Egypt.

The victory makes Ghana three-time African Champions, equaling Liberia's record. The team triggered controversy after visiting former President John Dramani Mahama, among others, to present the cup before visiting the Minister of Youth of Sports, Mustapha Ussuf.

The minister expressed displeasure with the supposed breach of protocol after they had received cash rewards from "external sources."

Source: Mawuli Viwotor, Contributor