
Black Stars' Problem Technical - Arsenals' Coach

Tue, 26 Aug 2003 Source: GS

The head coach of sensational Berekum Arsenals, Mr Joe Aduborfour, has stated that the problem undermining the national soccer team, the Black Stars, resulting in its poor performances in international matches is purely technical.

He said even though the problem has existed for the past seven years the team’s coaches, both local and foreign, have not been able to identify it in order to find a lasting solution to it. That is why the nation continues to lose in both qualifying matches and tournaments.

Mr Adubofour, a former sports presenter of OTEC FM in Kumasi who the had chance of studying from renowned coaches in Germany, Holland, France and Italy during his six years stay in Europe made the observation in an interview with the Graphic Sports in Sunyani last weekend. He said there is no integration between the African type of football and what pertains in Europe, that is blending of the local and foreign players.

Mr Adubofour further explained that positions allotted to such players in their European clubs often contrast with the system in Ghana. He said in Germany, the typical 3-5-2 formation is adopted by all the league clubs in the Bundesliga.

According to Mr Adubofour, a role or position assigned a player in the Bundesliga sometimes cannot be directly transferred to the Ghanaian system because of the typical “four back” type of play adopted in Africa in general and Ghana in particular.

"This type of conflicting technicalities have painfully caused the defeat of the national team on numerous occasions,” the accomplished coach emphasised.

He stressed that in order to move Ghana forward for the nation to catch up with the countries advanced in football, there is the need to send the local coaches abroad for refresher courses to update their knowledge. Coach Adubofour, said he is available to offer the necessary assistance to any coach in charge of the Stars to transform to club into a winsome side.

Mr Adubofour, who graduated from Winneba Sports College last year, stated that Ghana abounds in quality players who can win international laurels for the nation, but this will continue to be a mirage until such a time that they will be properly directed by giving them the right type of formation and other technical know-how.

Mr Adubofour said there is no problem with the management of the Stars, but the team is not performing creditably due to the lack of technical guidance. According to coach Adubofour, after graduating from the Winneba Sports College last year, Arsenals are the first and only premier league club that he has handled since the middle of the last football season.

Touching on the performance of Arsenals in the ongoing premier league, he was highly optimistic that the club will be among the first three clubs at the end of the competition.

Coach Adubofour cautioned that Arsenals will conquer all the teams that will play as their guests at the Berekum Coronation Park during the second round of the league.

He said the 3-0 demolition of Liberty Professionals and Real Tamale United and the wonderful performances against Asante Kotoko and Hearts of Oak in Kumasi and Accra respectively, attest to the determination of Arsenals to go places

Source: GS