
CAF must investigate Ghana bribery Allegations

Sat, 2 Feb 2013 Source: Raymond Yeboah

Since every rumour bears a bit of some iota of truth, I would like the continent’s football governing body, CAF to investigate the allegation that Asamoah Gyan did bribe Niger’s Ghanaian born player, Kofi Dankwa before they succumbed by a 3-0 scoreline to their Ghanaian counterparts.

The story to me could be somehow true if you follow the relationship between the Ghanaian striker and the player in question. A Niger team which had conceded just one goal before the Ghana encounter were hammered three unanswered goals by a Ghanaian team which had come out with clean sheet against Mali is something that has baffled my mind since.

The performance of Kofi Dankwa on the day was questionable judging from his first two previous matches in the group, a clear cut chances he squandered in the Ghanaian game tells me that there was something wrong somewhere. The motive behind that encounter was that of Ghana must avoid defeat at all cost and even did not want to place second in the group to meet host nation in the knockout round also somehow justify the authenticity of the allegation. Again, looking at the relationship between Asamoah Gyan and Kofi Dankwa. l followed their views ahead of the said match which Kofi Dankwa even said Asamoah Gyan called him two days before the encounter to wish him well also implies that the bribery allegation could be possible. This is not about patriotism matter, football loses its beauty when fair play is breached. Every bribery allegation country tries to defend herself from wrath of the rules hence comes out to deny it but thorough investigations makes nemeses catch up with them.

When countries like China, Turkey, South Africa and Zimbabwe were accused of match fixing they initially came out to deny it like the GFA is doing now but the cats came out of the bag after further investigations by FIFA.

We should leave those journalists who came out with the truth alone, this country hate the truth because of its bitterness. We must all side with them to unveil the truth because one and every player cannot get 37,000 US Dollars in just 3 matches and deceive Ghanaians as if they triumphed on merit from the group.

One angle we should all vie for is what prompted these journalists to come out with this story against their own Mother Ghana if the story is not true? l would have been convinced if it was done out of politics but looking at the characters involved, Nana Darkwa works for Radio Gold, a station which is universally agreed to support the ruling government in everything they do. How come he comes out with this controversial story to jeopardize the victory the whole Ghana is anticipating for including the ruling party, NDC? Don't forget every government in power boasts and claim the honour when the senior national team deliver in every tournament. I believe Ghana did not win that match on merit, CAF must start thinking if they have ceased thinking.


Source: Raymond Yeboah