
Coach Milo, be brave in key moments and go for the win!!!

Mon, 10 May 2010 Source: Kitson Evans

By Kitson Evans

By now, every Ghanaian

football fan knows that Ghana finished runners-up in the just ended African Cup

of Nations. In my opinion, this is an

anathema for Ghana football. The history of Ghana football does not call for Kwame

Nkrumah’s Black Stars to finish second in a Nations Cup to any nation on the

African continent. Finishing second for the

Black Stars is unacceptable!!!! We did not accept that when we used great and

legendary coaches like C.K. Gyamfi and Osam Duodu to capture the ultimate prize

for the nation. These are patriotic Ghanaians

who coached the Black Stars to African glory and were paid meager sums.

Fast forward. Now Ghanaian

Football Administration does not think that out of 23 million Ghanaian

citizens, not one of them is capable of coaching football sense into players of

the Black Stars (Kwame Nkrumah is tumbling in his grave). Instead, we have to

import a football coach from any other nations besides Ghana. I strongly oppose

this notion that a Ghanaian

paid $45,000 a month like the Serbian coach we have now, with the right

environment and resources cannot achieve the same results like a non Ghanaian.

Those who have accepted this notion have given up on Ghana as a nation and have

set the wrong example for the youth of the nation. Stop killing the self of

esteem of our people by indicating that our people are not good enough.

Now, African Cup 2010,

inexperienced Ghanaian squad battled a very experienced Egyptian team and after

80th minute, the game was scoreless. At this moment, since the

ultimate prize was on the line, the coach who believes in winning the ultimate

prize has to go for the win. The Egyptian coach brought on an offensive player

to close the deal, but the Ghanaian coach of Serbian origin adopted a

clotteyian defensive strategy and brought on a defensive player Eric Addo. The

Egyptian’s Mayweathian strategy won the day and Ghana sadly finished second in

the 2010 African cup of Nations.

In the 2010 World Cup, let’s

hope that when the time comes to close the deal, Ghana’s Serbian coach will

adopt a Mayweathian strategy instead of Clotteyian one and close the deal for

Ghana during transformative moments in the game. This is what we Ghanaian

football fans want; a gold medal winning Black Stars team. Milo, be brave in

the transformative moment in the game!! In soccer, defense can sometimes

prevent the other team from scoring and wining the game, but our coach as to

realize that the ultimate objective of soccer is to score goals and win the

game. Having a strategy to prevent the other team from scoring does not win

major championship like the World Cup. We were too defensive against Egypt in the

African Cup final game. To win the World Cup, we have to know how to defend as

well as score goals to win games. We must close the deal, a Mayweathian strategy

instead of Clotteyian will get the job done.

Good luck to Ghana Black


Ghanaian Patriot

Kitson Evans

Please note: This article should be commented on by those who enjoy

constructive thought and reasoning, and not those whose mental ability

is limited to baseless insults.

Source: Kitson Evans