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Veep welcomes Chinese investors with open arms

Mon, 5 Dec 2005 Source: GNA

Accra, Dec. 5, GNA - With open arms, Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama on Monday asked Chinese investors especially those in the manufacturing of traditional medicine to share their expertise with their Ghanaian counterparts to boost revenue generation.

"As a nation, anything to do with health is welcomed," he told Dr Yan Xiju, President of Tasly Group of China, a multi-million dollar company that manufacture and distribute traditional medicine, worldwide, at a meeting at the Castle, Osu.

Vice President Mahama said with the assistance of China, Ghanaian herbal dealers especially in the field of research would be competitive. He also invited the company to establish a factory in Ghana and spread its market to the West African Sub-Region. Vice President Mahama lauded the relations between Ghana and the World's most populated nation, adding that Chinese investors had deepen the relationship by capitalising on the conducive environment in the country to invest.

"Business is blooming between Ghana and China," Vice President Mahama observed.

Dr Yan said his company founded 11 years ago, was also involved in the housing industry and was among the 200 great manufacturers in China. He said with a business capital of one billion dollars Tasly was a strong competitor in modern traditional Chinese medicine. Dr Yan said the multi-national company had manufactured food supplements that could boost the immunity of HIV/AIDS and cancer patients.

He said experts from Tasly would share their years of research dexterity in Ghana where business had bloomed for the past one year.

Source: GNA