
Crisscross border jubilation at Aflao after Stars' victory

Sun, 27 Jun 2010 Source: GNA

Aflao, Jun 27, GNA - Entry and exit procedures at both sides of the Ghana-Togo border at Aflao slumped at close of the Ghana-USA duel at the on-going 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, on Saturday night. This enabled hordes of jubilant soccer fans to freely cross from both sides in and out, jubilating the Black Stars 2-1 victory over the US. "Better declare the borders free today," the exhilarated Togolese fans from Lome, kept screaming as they poured into Aflao, Ghana, dancing and praising the Stars.

Across the border in Kodzoviakope and Nyekonakpoe, suburbs of Lome, capital of town of Togo, the GNA mixed with fans clutching Ghanaian miniature flags jubilating.

Many Togolese think Asamoah Gyan had sometime magical that makes him score match deciders. The crisscross border jubilation went on for a long time.

Source: GNA