
The Truth Must Be Told - A Letter To Ogamumo

Mon, 12 Apr 2004 Source: Kwaku Siaw

Dear OGA,

The good and oldest book, THE BIBLE, tells us to unto others as we want others to do unto us it?s my prayer that the disturbed fan of Ghana soccer and the B/A united soccer fan in particular will read this item or article with a free mind and a not a mind brainwashed.

I saddens my heart when I think about what is happening in this great team we grew up supporting and wanted to play for or give it our all. B/A united is now the yoyo team among the soccer giants of Ghanaian soccer league all due to some self seeking ,cold-hearted and unpatriotic hoodlums who will anything if not everything to enrich their pockets while they play mind games with the supporters of this great club. I know someone will wonder why a hoodlum will be patriotic but if you survived the MAY 9 attack by George Arthur and his rampaging disciples on the premises of space fm. When yours truly, then a sports analyst was doing his job to put food on the table, you will understand me.


Supporters and sympathizers of this club, easily fall to the whims and caprices of these false prophets as I will call them and until this trend change there will be no peace in this great club and the only club to win to win the national league in the 70?s which was later cancelled on flimsy excuses. Hmmm! I will not incite the supporters to hold the bull by the horn but I think the supporters must rise up to take the club from this people who will want to use the gate proceeds of B/A united matches to further their own course be it food on the table or driving in nice cars. Oga, now you see the matter wey we get. Let me tell you a secret, ma paddy, the people who used all means to take the club from the spiritual head , have not contributed a dime to the but they rather deducted expenses from porridge and other stuff and one funny thing , oga, when the former chairman and the spiritual leader asked the present board to contribute towards the financial running of the club, one board member asked what will be the interest on the money he is putting in the financial basket of the club forgotten that he was a staunch advocate of the you run the club free with your own money. Sounds funny, ain?t it?


B/A united , must rid itself of the Kobi?s , Anto?s , Joe boahen?s since they are the pain in the flesh of the club. I wish the supporters of this traditional club will take analytical study of their association with the club and whatever the results of the analysis will be theirs. These people brag they have been with the club since ages but let me tell you Oga , they have never contributed a penny to the club?s development. What they do is stay back, push and switch people around until you are well milked and they will then flush you down the drain as they?ve done to their ?king? George Arthur. The stomach journalist who will only write with his stomach instead of his head , I wonder what they will tell the supporters of this club after knowing very well their king can not be a chairman of a club but listened to the sounds of their stomach to fan the flame for a chairman who will rule with lies and cannot attend GHALCA meetings .I advice them to do soul searching and apologize to the supporters of this club through the same channel they used when the were listening to the sounds of their stomach.


The supporters must apologize for the filthy words they said about the spiritual leader to free the club from the curse if there is any. Oga, I think they have to form a well organized supporters union that will include all the supporters of the club in the region and not to pretend the club is for sunyani supporters since all the chiefs and people of Brong/Ahafo, have a role to play in taking the club from fallen apostles to power apostles. Happy easter Oga and we will talk about GFA later.


Source: Kwaku Siaw