
Desist From Drawing the Name of Government into Mud- Baba

Wed, 19 Oct 2011 Source: rexford tetteh nii ayi

A group made up of some Presidents of National Sports Federations that calls itself

bona fide members of the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC) led by Nii Adotey Din Barima

organized a press conference to rubbish the modalities set by the Executive Board of

the GOC in respect to the upcoming congress, and had sworn to render the whole

process null and void either by the hook or crook, certain individuals among this

same group who claimed to be highly connected to the ruling government stage an

unsuccessful coup at the last GOC congress which took place at the Liberty Crown

Hotel resulting to the impasse which attracted the International Olympic Committee

(IOC) ban, I happened to represent my former media house, and was preview to all

that went on that day.

The IOC finally agreed to lift the ban on Ghana Sports by setting a Road Map to be

followed, which among other things mandated B T Baba`s recognized administration to

call for congress not later than the 31st of October 2011, this the Ghana Olympic

Committee (GOC) have comply by fixing 29th October 2011 as the day for congress at

the Miklin Hotel Kumasi and have set up the Road Map for the congress, this

charlatans have however resurface again and are breathing brimstone and fire to

ensure darkness cover Ghana sports once more and if care is not taking the IOC will

have no option than to delete the name of Ghana from the Olympic Games roll call

come 2012 and render the efforts of the second gentleman of the land Hon. John

Dramani Mahama, the Sports Minister Hon. Kofi Humado and other top ranking

personalities in both the sporting and governmental circles useless.

All concerns raised by the group in their resolution have its answers in the GOC

constitution and the explanations given in this piece. , it therefore marvels me why

they did not take the pain to go through the GOC constitution but were rather

interested in throwing dust into our eyes and drag the name of B T Baba to the mud.

Down memory lane this same people stage a coup on the Ghana Football Association

(GFA) and for the steadfastness of Kwesi Nyantakyi and his team of executives our

football would have been in Shambles today. Are we saying for the fact that the ban

have been lifted, any individual who claim to be part of a Federation should be

allowed to be part of GOC`s Congress without being quizzed to ascertain the

legitimacy of he or she or conducting thorough investigations into federations that

claim to be affiliated to the GOC, definitely not, certain standards have to be met.

The Road Map, the GOC released guidelines for elections to the Executive Board in

the upcoming congress by spelling out the positions available for nominations and

those eligible to contest in accordance with Article 10, and 11.3 of the GOC

constitution which states that, the president and all other officers of the

Executive Board may be re-elected for successive four-year terms.

For the avoidance of doubt, an officer of the Executive Board shall not cease to be

an officer by reason of the fact that he or she no longer represents an Association.

This implies that old executive members before the impasse are eligible to contest

for re-election irrespective of the fact that he or she is attach to an Association

or not.

Number 5 of the guidelines to congress among other things which records that persons

vying for position as officers of the Executive Board should have served as members

of the Executive Board of the GOC or their federation for a period not less than

four years, have created a lot of controversies with a cross section of the public

seeing it as a calculated attempt by the GOC to deny certain people the right to

contest in the election, after a pains taking investigations and research into the

GOC Constitution I chanced on Article 14.1 which empowers the Executive Board as

indicated in Article 10, to enact rules and regulations to govern it affairs, and I

quote the Executive Board may meet to formulate regulations as it deems fit to

govern its business. .

People are made to serve a year, two or more probation in our societies today before

they are granted full membership status in most establishment; in this regard I see

nothing wrong for serving a four year term on such a high profile organization like

the GOC before enjoying some privileges, if not for people’s selfish interest.

I believe one might have acquaint himself and mature enough in the Olympic Movement

within the four years and ready to hold any position at his disposal, B T Baba who

have come under heavy attack this few days is on record to have served for 16 years

under Justice Annan, Nkansah Dzani, Peter purdorgbey and K N Owusu before getting

the Nod as president of the GOC. Number 8 of the guideline indicate that a

federation endorsing any person for an executive position must be properly

affiliated to the GOC in accordance with Article 16 and 17.1-2 of the GOC


Article 16 for example records that National Associations seeking affiliation with

the GOC shall supply their constitution and all such information as the GOC may

require including minutes of elections held recently showing its current executive,

this Means Federations that was formed during the GOC impasse and have not submitted

their constitution and other relevant materials to the GOC as require shall not

partake of the election, examples of such federations are Kick Boxing, Body

Building, Karate-do, Cards playing and others, whiles federations such as

Basketball, Badminton, Rowing, Weightlifting, and Triathlon which Ghana participated

in the Manchester Commonwealth Games under the regime of Sandy Osei Agyemang are

yet to be confirmed by their respective international bodies.

Fencing, Gymnastics, Archery, Equestrian, Sailing, Shooting, Wrestling and Modern

Pentathlon have no records of being organized on Association level in the nation,

leaving the Executive Board with no option than to erase it from the list of

recognized federation and replaced with Para-Olympic, Baseball, which are well known

disciplines and have good standings with the GOC and Badminton, Weightlifting,

Baseball and Triathlon which has records with the GOC to conform to Bye-law to

Rules 28 and 29 sub-sections 1.2 of the Olympic Charter which states that proof must

be adduced that the national federations which are members of the National Olympic

Committee (NOC) exercise a specific and a real on-going Sports activity in their

country and internationally, in particular by organizing and participating in

competitions and implementing training programmes for athletes and Article 16 which

talks about Affiliation to the GOC, thou the election committee is yet

to receive confirmation from their respective international Federations.

Qualifications of candidates as stated in number 14 of the guidelines, which have

also created heated argument was not manufactured by B T Baba but conform with

Article 3(1), and 29(7) of the constitution which states that the members of the GOC

shall be citizens of the Republic of Ghana and persons of good standing, of upright

character, sound judgment and of independent mind, with a knowledge of and believe

in the Olympic principle.

The Olympic Charter frowns on third parties and political influence as captured in

Article 29.2 sub-section ©, Article 29.5 clearly states that the GOC shall not

associate itself with any organization established for political or commercial

nature, this includes persons holding political appointments such as party,

Chairman, organizer or presidential appointments, but a Member of Parliament elected

by the people can serve on the GOC.

It will be disastrous to forget so soon that people with political appointment

succeeded in toppling the last GOC congress leading to the impasse. It will interest

one to know that the Executive Board has the powers to form Sub-committees as

recorded in Article 14.1, and Article 20 of the GOC constitution which states that

the Executive Board may also at anytime appoint any other sub-committees, upon such

terms as the Board shall determine, and may appoint any person whether he or she is

a member of the Board or not, to serve on such sub-committees, then also Article 12

which talks about the functions of the Executive Board sub-section 4 which states,

To appoint such sub-committees as the GOC may deem, fit.

Which has been a subject of contention originally reads, to appoint such

sub-committees as the Executive Board may deem, fit. According to the original

signed constitution which I chanced on, also we shouldn`t forget the fact that

sub-section 4 is under Article 12 which talks about the Functions of the Executive


The attitude of Dr. Debora Cubbage who parade herself as the 2nd vice president of

both the B T Baba and Professor Dodoo GOC have violated the constitution for failing

to attend meetings irrespective of the fact that she was given notice or not as

indicated in Article 22.3 that talks about Absenteeism and Article 7 which states,

At least twenty-one (21) days notice in writing shall be given to all members before

any congress.

The said notice shall specify the place, date, time of the meeting and the business

to be transacted.

An omission to give notice to member(s) or the non receipt of any notice by any

member shall not prevent the meeting from taking place can best be describe as a

traitor (for biting the finger that fed her).

Doctor failed to appear before the Executive Board to explain why action should not

be taking against her when she was called upon to do so, she is on record for

calling B T Baba a crazy man and being caught up by age and a hijacker of sports

which to me will not help in finding solutions to the issues at stake and will

therefore advice Doctor as a son to watch his utterances especially when dealing

with the Press.

I would have love the Elections postpone until after the Olympic Games as captured

in Article 11.1 that states, Officers and members of the Executive Board shall be

elected at the General Assembly (congress) which shall take place after each Summer

Olympic Games, upon secret ballot, by a majority of the votes cast. So as to allow

all the dust to settled if I had my own way.

Truth crush to the ground shall definitely rise agai

Source: rexford tetteh nii ayi