
Futbol Fever In Mandela Land – 2010 FIFA World Cup

Fri, 11 Jun 2010 Source: Aduhene, George

Never mind the concerns about safety and crowd control, never mind South Africa’s notorious crime rate or even the threat of terrorism. The long wait is over, and South Africans to shame the anti-Africa propagandists are ready to toot their VUVUZELAS to welcome the world to the biggest sporting event – the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

Nothing from previous World Cups or event in sports history could have prepared the World for the spectacle that is going to unfold in South Africa beginning June 11, 2010. First, those who thought the 91-year Nelson Mandela is too frail to miss his own party know very little, if anything, about the indomitable spirit of the most celebrated statesman and the people of South Africa.

On a light side, I am reliably informed that at the behest of the beloved Mandela, criminals in South Africa are suspending all nefarious activities from June 11 – July 11 to allow a smooth and safe World Cup. Nonetheless, visitors are advised to exercise due diligence and caution at all times. A word to the wise . . . .

The question that has been asked over and over again leading up to the World Cup is whether South Africa would be ready to host the grandest sporting event. After sinking about $3.5 billion dollars in building new infrastructure and stadia, and with the biggest and most revered global icon to lead the opening ceremony, it appears the world rather might not be ready for the Mandela led bonanza.

My bet is South Africa 2010 will not only meet the excellent standards that characterized hosting the World Cup, but the pomp and pageantry that would be at display will mesmerize and enchant the billions who will be watching either in person or through the magic of television.

Ordinarily, tourists throng South Africa yearly to explore the beautiful landscapes and observe wildlife; trace the beloved Nelson Mandela’s historic path from Soweto to Robben Island. However, this time, in addition to the traditional sights and sounds, at display are the silky skills of the world’s best footballers representing 32 nations vying for the grandest prize in global sports. Where else on earth can one find such a treat other than the beautiful continent of Africa?

Close your eyes and imagine a stadium full of over 84,000 football fans drumming, singing, tooting the ubiquitous VUVUZELA, and dancing. Then appears Nelson Mandela clad in a Bafana Bafana jersey waving delicately to the rapturous crowd. Can you see the explosion of excitement and euphoria? That would be just the opening act to the spectacle about to unfold at the 2010 FIFA World Cup. To the anti-Africa propagandist out there, instead of nitpicking and criticizing, put on your favorite team or country jersey, grab your VUVUZELA and let’s get this Mandela led party started.

Source: Aduhene, George