
VIDEO: Learn to swim with Kubzerich Swimming School


Wed, 14 May 2014 Source:

Enroll your child or speed up the process yourself with your bikini body and jump into a swimming pool with Kubzerich Swimming and Tennis Club in Accra.

Yes, the treadmill is fun, and so are those dumbbells, but Kubzerich swimming only offer a portion of what a swim workout does, from toning your core to speeding up your metabolism.

Kubzerich swimming and tennis club is one of Ghana's friendliest clubs for family and friends to learn new skills, relax and spend the summer days keeping fit.

It is located at Ghana International School (GIS) campus at Cantonments-Accra. According to Mrs. Zenabu S. Akotoh founder/CEO of Kubzerich swimming, her swimming club pays much attention to both physical and mental development of each of its members especially beginners.

“Healthy body promotes a healthy mind, the school arranges for a ten week course of swimming instruction in the Crown Apartmento Swimming Pool for each of its students during the school year.

We have room for new members to join our swimming sessions. Our tennis club is a non-profit organization run by a team of professionals and aimed at training and educating children through sports.” Madam Akotoh explained on her website.

Why your kids should learn to swim with Kubzerich

It is important for children to get some form of exercise, and swimming is a great way for kids to have fun while getting a workout.

Health and Safety

Safety is the most important reason why kids should learn to swim at Kubzerich Swimming School, the best practices in relation to supervision, instruction and child protection procedures as outlined by the Ghana Sports Council, Swim Ghana and the National Safety Council are adhered to at all times.

Staff and instructors always follow the guidelines of Health & Safety and Child Protection policies.

Qualified instructors

Mrs. Zenabu S. Akotoh is the lead instructor at Kubzerich Swimming School; she is currently the Head of Physical Education (P.E) Department at Ghana International School (GIS) and holds BSc. Hons. in PE, Teacher’s Certificate: & MPhil in Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports.

She also has BSc. in Teaching Certification in P.E, Recreation and Sports from State University of New York, (S.U.N.Y.).

Good swimming skills can lead to a lifeguard jobs

Not only can swimming save kids' lives, it can help them save other people’s lives as well when they are old enough. Children with good swimming skills can become a certified lifeguard.

Swimming helps muscle-lengthening

If you’re worried about bulking up then consider swimming. Swimming combines resistance training with cardio, building lean muscle and boosting your metabolism. Kubzerich Swimming will always assist you put your body through a range of movements, helping your muscles stay long and flexible.


Jumping into a swimming pool at Kubzerich Swimming School is always fan and refreshing, enroll your kids today become a professional swimmer to reap the full benefits.

Contact Kubzerich Swimming P.O. Box GP 1788 Accra-Ghana. 2nd Circular Rd, Cantonments. Cell: +233 (0) 244 289 010

Email : zenabu@yahoo.coom Website:

