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George Afriyie threatens to quit football if GFA Congress approves Autonomous League

George Afriyie 640x375 2.jpeg Former GFA Vice President, George Afriyie

Tue, 7 Feb 2023 Source:

Former Ghana Football Association vice president, George Afriyie has said that he will quit his job as a football administrator if the proposed Autonomous League is approved by Congress.

According to George Afriyie, he is not in support of the Autonomous League and he is hoping that Congress will reject the proposal put together by the Statutes

Review Committee.

Without going into the specifics reasons for taking a stand against the proposed Autonomous League, he threatened to “quit football” should it be passed into the Statutes of the football governing body.

“One thing I’ve heard that I hope it’s not true is that the Status Review Committee has proposed an autonomous league where the membership of the premier league clubs will be given their powers to the board called autonomous committee.”

“If these recommendations find favour at congress, I will quit football in this country," George Afriyie said in an interview with Kumasi-based Oyerepa Sports.

George Afriyie contested in the 2019 Ghana Football Association presidential elections but conceded defeat to Kurt Okraku before the third run.

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