
Ghana Must Put Pressure On CAF To Postpone Tournament......

Wed, 12 Nov 2014 Source: Darko, Otchere

From January/February 2015 To Unspecified Future Date

By Otchere Darko

While President Mahama deserves my commendation for showing wisdom and courage to resist the 'creamy temptation' of the financially rewarding opportunity of hosting the 2O15 ACN Tournament in January and February of the year in question, I still find it difficult to understand why the current ECOWAS Chairman waited until very close to the date of expiration of the ultimatum given to Morocco by CAF before succumbing to domestic pressure to decide against hosting the tournament. The President should have decided much earlier and used his position to influence other leaders of Africa to follow suit. Had he acted earlier and used his powerful postion to influence CAF, Morocco would not have been needlessly disqualified. Never mind, the President has finally done what a President who has the interest of his country at heart should do, after the waiting that caused many Ghanaians extreme worry. Many Ghanaians in the President's shoes would have given the CAF a prompter answer of: "NO, THANK YOU, CAF".

"After having set the minds of Ghanaians at peace with his wise decision, the Ghanaian President must use his current powerful position as Chairman of ECOWAS to put pressure on CAF to defer the Tournament to either January/February 2016 or indefinitely until the deadly virus that is causing the pandemic has been 'neutralised' and made 'danger-free' everywhere in Africa. This one-year, or more, of postponement will allow those trying to help bring the deadly Ebola pandemic under control finish their work BEFORE we hold the event any time thereafter. *WHO and other health authorities involved with efforts to bring the pandemic under control have said about a week ago that it will take, at least, three months to bring the situation under control. This means the months of January and February 2015 are as dangerous as now, as far as the pandemic is concerned. *We cannot play with petrol drums in front of our house when firemen are working inside the house to quench fire that is engulfing it.

Several Western leaders, like President Obama of America, Prime Minister Cameron of United Kingdom and President Hollande of France, are busily finding money and ways to help to control the spread of the pandemic. Several other countries and several NGOs outside Africa are all showing concern, and are doing everything reasonable and possible to help contain the spread of the deadly virus that is forcing mothers and husbands to abandon their crying children and wives dying of Ebola. Nothing is more painful to any human being, than watching a dear one suffering from Ebola and needing help or attention; and yet being unable to give it. Ebola is a different disease! Ebola is deadly! Ebola is NOT a disease we can 'kid' with! The danger of Ebola is REAL! As such, Ebola's containment must NOT be compromised in anyway, and for any 'cosmetic reason'.

While the rest of the world is showing concern and taking steps to help Africa to control the killer virus that can wipe off a sizeable portion of the youth and 'future' of Africa within a period of one year, if not seriously brought under control, Africa and Africans are caring less..... apart from merely shouting to America, Europe, and the rest of the world to come and help; and sometimes even annoyingly accusing the rest of the world for having come "too late" to Africa to help. 'Helpers' have come "too late"? Wow! And what have we ourselves done to prove that we appreciate the DANGER and are prepared to help ourselves to tackle it?

African leaders who have ruled your countries and have thereafter miraculously 'emerged' as 'billionaires' and 'multi-millionaires': Where have you been, when the self-created billionaire and multi-millionaire 'Bill Gates' of the rest of the world sent in moneys and other resources to help Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to help fight and contain Ebola? What have indigenous African companies and NGOs done to help the continent to contain the pandemic, compared with companies and NGOs outside Africa?


Africa and Africans must wake up now. The 'Red Cockerels' of Africa are crowing loudly and telling us: It is time Africans learnt to use the talents, including our mental faculties, and the vast physical resources that the continent of Africa has been blessed with by nature.

THEREFORE: *We (Africans) must prove to the world that we (Africans) understand Ebola, by postponing the holding of the Tournament ANYWHERE IN AFRICA until every participating country on the continent, that is required to send a team and supporters to the host country, and even, at best, until every other country in Africa has been declared "Ebola-free" by WHO, or by any other body with the requisite expertise and authority to make such declaration. It is only then that we can say it is safe to hold the African Nations' Cup Tournament. As long as the virus exists in any of the 16 participating countries, the risk of transporting it from that country to the host country is very real; and, as such, the 16-team event must NOT be held, at all, anywhere in Africa in January or February 2015 or at any other time, until there is full clearance of Ebola in Africa. *I also appeal to President Mahama to use his current powerful position to get CAF to revoke the disqualification of Morocco as soon as possible, and certainly before the next ANC Tournament takes place in future. It is Morocco that has acted in the best interest of Africa. Therefore, that North Africa country cannot be punished for doing what is more reasonable, given the circumstances. *WE MUST, RATHER, HAIL MOROCCO FOR SHOWING THE REST OF AFRICA THE WAY FORWARD.

Source: Darko, Otchere