
Drowned in a Milo Cup

He who Dwells Beneath the Waves. The religion of the Drowned God is old, dating back to before the Andal Invasion. The Andal invaders of the Iron Islands converted to the local religion rather than supplant it with the seven as they did in the south of Westeros.

Enough of this colloquialism on this rainy morning. Long before the sacking of Coach James Kwesi Appiah had broken the news, but the Ghana Football Association doubtlessly came out to deny.

Later, the Football Association unceremoniously announced that they were going to augment the Black Stars bench with an introduction of a technical director to oversee the technical directorship of the team.

Coach Milovan Rajevac who had arrived in Ghana on Monday for the second time on a footballing duty but this time as a technical advisor mysteriously became the new Coach of the Black Stars just three days after his arrival.

Strangely enough, Kwesi Appiah whom the FA had expressed full confidence and had promised to send him to Europe to learn under certain top notch coaches in the world in other to boost his tactical capacity had to be locked behind the technical door abruptly.

I'm not an advocate for Kwesi Appiah, but surely I'll certainly not wet my pants on hearing the sack of the coach because seriously I think that there's a certain machine at the FA's office which knows everyone's internet password.

Kwesi Appiah statistically has been one of the best coaches to have ever handled the Black Stars looking at his win and goals per match, but the World Cup exposed the tactical deficiency of the former Ghana fullback.

Question is, couldn't the FA talked him out as one of their own to resign gentlemanly rather than trying to giving him plastic love and in the course exposing him to public ridicule and hatred?

Why would the FA deceive the entire nation that they were fishing for a technical advisor whiles they knew that they were indeed chasing for an expatriate coach?

For a man to die through submersion in and inhalation of water is not news but for a man as old as Kwesi Appiah to get drowned in a cup of Milo by his own people is a big news.

But the FA and it leadership must know that the waters of wrath will rise high, and the Drowned God will spread his dominion across the green lands!

Source: james k. attaglo wilson (