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Gladson Awako vs Asante Kotoko is GhanaWeb's most Bizarre Sports Story of the Year

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Mon, 26 Dec 2022 Source:

Some bizarre things happened in the Ghanaian sporting environment in the past 12 months but one stood out and it trended for days in the media space and on various social media platforms.

These stories that are categorized as bizarre do not follow the conventional new stories about football or sports.

They are unusual, strange, sometimes funny, and sometimes annoying but in almost every case elicit some form of reaction from the public

GhanaWeb looks back at the most bizarre sporting incident in 2022.

Gladson Awako's scuffle with Kotoko officials

Gladson Awako made the headlines in his first Super Clash game after joining Accra Hearts of Oak but it was not because he scored a goal or gave a mouth-watering performance for the crowd. It was due to a scuffle he had with some officials of Asante Kotoko.

The tussle started before the match when the players were proceeding to the pitch from the tunnel.

Hearts of Oak players used the other side of the pitch whiles Asante Kotoko lined up at the other side of the pitch.

However, during the procession, Awako broke protocol to use the path of Asante Kotoko and refused to follow Hearts of Oak’s path unto the pitch.

Some Kotoko officials, who detected the actions of Awako quickly dashed to the player's side to direct him to use the other way to the pitch but the Hearts of Oak player refused.

The situation got more confrontational as more Kotoko officials joined to stop Awako from using Kotoko’s route unto the pitch.

The altercation got the attention of some football fans watching as it was perceived the Hearts of Oak player had ulterior motives for breaking a routine.

Watch the video below of the incident:

Author: Joel Eshun

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