
Have Confidence In BlackStars - Laryea Kingston

Wed, 17 Oct 2007 Source: Yaw Adofo Takyi/Kwadwo-Ntim Micky Charles

Blackstars midfielder Laryea Kingston has been in the news in recent times. caught up with him over the weekend for an interview

Q: How would you rate your performance in the Scottish league so far this season?

A: I think everything is going on well for me. We didn’t start the season very well but as I speak now, things are gradually getting better and our confidence is building up game after game.

Q: Before the season started some of your club followers believed you were going to find it difficult to command a regular place in the team this season. But you have succeeded in becoming an integral part of the team. What do you think accounts for that?

A: I was the least bothered when one of our goalkeepers commented that I might find it difficult to command a regular position. It rather spurred me on to become extra serious and keep my composure. And I have been very happy playing this season. In life there are lots of challenges and I felt I shouldn’t relax but to train harder to earn more playing time. I think the challenge was good even though I missed the first two games through suspension, I have played in all other games and everything is now moving on well for me.

Q: Last season you had disciplinary problems which left you out in most of the league matches. Are we going to see a different Laryea Kingston this season with a clean sheet without any suspension?

A: Laughs! Everyone experiences some difficulties in life but that shouldn’t over shadow you and distract your attention. It is part of life and I don’t want to think about it .The most important thing for me is to ensure that it never happens again.

Q: You’ve had an impressive time so far this season. As a player what do you hope to achieve with Hearts?

A: My aim is to win the Premier League and go ahead to win an European title with them. Mind you, the League is very tough because clubs like Rangers, Celtic and Aberdeen have recruited good players this season and are determined to win the league as well. But that notwithstanding, I think Hearts is also in contention for title. Our dream became a reality when we started the season by defeating Rangers 4-2 and I think that is enough motivation in our quest to win this year’s championship.

Q: The Nations Cup is barely two months away and as part of Black Stars preparation you played a friendly match against Saudi Arabia and lost heavily. You played that game and were you surprised and disappointed with the score line?

A: Yeah it was a very disappointing result. And it was down to poor travel arrangements. I even suggested immediately after our game with Morocco to leave for Saudi Arabia the following day to acclimatize to the weather conditions and have enough rest. We arrived late to Saudi Arabia after a six hour long flight. And even though we were weary, we could not get adequate rest before the game and I think it really affected us. I really felt very sad after the game because I don’t believe the Saudi team we had previously beaten twice has what it takes to register a 5-0 score line against us. The margin was too much but all the same this is football and it is important we look forward into the future with hope.

Q: The Black Stars have enjoyed relative success before, during and after the World Cup. Do you think the 5-0 drubbing will affect the spirit of the team?

A: Not at all. It will rather encourage us and boost our morale and eschew complacency. I think losing by such a margin to Saudi Arabia should rather awaken us. We shouldn’t be complacent that no team can beat us. After the game we have realized we can get beaten. Now we will approach every game with all the seriousness it deserves.

Q: How are you looking forward to the Nations Cup?

A: I know the expectation is going to be very high and the competition is going to be very tough. I’m ready and very fit for the competition because I am regularly playing week in week out for my club. I am 100 percent fit to play in the competition and the same can be said of my colleagues. We are ready for the competition and we have a good team to make the nation proud. We are going to put in our best and make sure the trophy stays in Ghana.

Q: What advise would you give to your colleagues whose clubs will not be too pleasing to release them on time for the team’s early preparation?

A: I think no player or club has power over FIFA rules and regulations. My little knowledge about the rules is that any player invited for national assignment is supposed to report two weeks before the tournament. I expect that all of us will be able to report as early as possible and abide by the FIFA regulations. There were reports that I have pleaded with the FA to allow me to report to the National team four days to the tournament. Let me state here that it is totally false. What I said was that my club discussed with me about a decision to plead with my FA to allow me to stay with them until at least a week to the tournament. But I asked my Club executives to leave everything to me as I will seek audience with my FA in that regard. But even before I could call the FA, I saw a story that attributed the Club’s intentions to me. I love my country and in everything that I do, I put my country first. That story cannot be true.

Q: The Black Stars are billed to play in a four nation tournament against Benin, Guinea and United Arabia Emirates. Do you think the team is playing against worthy opponents for our preparation?

A: These days there are no minnows in Association football. No team should be underestimated and I think the four nation tournament is a good idea and will help boost our morale ahead of the Nations Cup. We were supposed to play Jamaica this week but unfortunately the game has been cancelled. But I must say it’s not too bad as we will use it to take some needed rest. I play seven matches in every month so I think it is an opportunity to take a rest. That is not to say I wouldn’t have played if the game was not cancelled.

Q: Final word?

A: All I want to tell Ghanaians is they shouldn’t be disappointed with the score line in Saudi Arabia. They should still have confidence in us because we have what it takes to deliver come January. This is the time we need total support and with the fans rooting firmly for us, there is no way we shouldn’t win the Cup.

Source: Yaw Adofo Takyi/Kwadwo-Ntim Micky Charles