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Is The GFA The Cause Of Ghana Soccer Woes?

Tue, 2 Sep 2003 Source: Kwaku tsibu amoh mensah

The dust is yet to settle, if not settled after our failure to qualify for major international tourneys and the blame game continues with the spot light now on the G.F.A and the embattled coach of the senior national team Mr. Ziese.

Although, the G.F.A is part of the trouble or if you like the problems of Ghana soccer, sports presenters constitute 70% of the woes of Ghana soccer. In a football crazy country like Ghana ,its sad to note that people who don’t know a thing about the rules of the game of football are made to present and run biased commentary on the various radio station. Knowing very well that, they are the source of reference to people the have taken the advantage to be public relation officers to coaches and players alike.

I remember a popular sports presenter who is a friend of a local coach, was recruiting players for the senior national team, Ben kouffie the whole world knows is a failure but when the job of rebuilding the national teams is left in the hands of sports presenters who don’t know anything about football but all they can do in this era of technological advancement or the hi-tech era as I prefer to call it, is to read sports news in the dailies then we have a BIG problem.

Though is sad our national teams are performing but I don’t think it is right for self-styled Alan Fenton’s, Gary brew’s, mark gleeson’s to make unguarded and unprofessional comments as to the way Ghana soccer is being managed I know they are not going to take it lightly, but hitting the nail right on the head is better than sitting on the knife’s edge and pretend to be okay.

Uncle Ben, I know will have excuses for the failure of Ghana soccer but I don’t think sacking a coach will put Ghana soccer back on track. If he has seen in his own wisdom to sack an employee {BURKHARD} for non-performance, then he has to do what most Ghanaian officials find it hard to do, resign from his position. What is this rumor I’m hearing that a political party has people in the F.A and they will use the failure of the football teams as a political tool to win votes, I hope is one of cheap and loose talk.

To the sports presenters and writers I will advice you to stop taking “soli” or gift as you will term it, from football officials and I promise you can make fair and analytical comments that are not meant to please your masters.

Source: Kwaku tsibu amoh mensah