
ManU Players To Train With Ghanaians?

Wed, 2 Jan 2008 Source: --

Manchester United are currently in talks with the Moldovan football side, Eikomena, who are setting up a football academy for talented footballers from Ghana.

The plans are that particularly troublesome (=misbehaving) youth players coming through the ranks at Manchester United will be dispatched to Moldova, in Eastern Europe, to help out and train with the Ghanaians.

The club are taking Ghanaian players and basically giving them a shop window for bigger clubs around Europe. They're eager for Man United to be involved as obviously it's the one club most young footballers really aspire to. And if it keeps their miscreants in line, so much the better.

The project is the brainchild of Dr Peter Slowe, a director of Projects Abroad, a company which specialises in organising overseas volunteer work.

A spokesman for Mr Slowe refused to elaborate on the scheme, as "things are still in early stages", but did confirm they were hoping to get Manchester United on board in the near future. "The whole idea shouldn't be seen merely as penance for badly behaved footballers as it's such a worthwhile cause," he says.

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