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My dream was to travel abroad and start a new life - UK-based Ghanaian boxer reveals

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Wed, 19 Apr 2023 Source:

UK-based Ghanaian boxer, Seth Gyimah, has stated that his dream was to leave the shores of Ghana to start a new life abroad.

Freezy, who was born in a small village in Ghana called Bima and had a challenging upbringing, said he desired to travel abroad and assured himself of traveling anywhere.

Speaking on GhanaWeb Sports Check, he implied that he was ready to take the risk of leaving abroad without having any relatives over there.

"Everyone got a dream...Probably it's your dream to travel to big cities like New York or California to start a new life there. You don't need to know anybody there as long as you have the capacity to work, you have the amount to take of yourself, and you need to go. So I said to myself that I will travel anywhere.

The light heavyweight boxer, however, revealed that with his trip to UK, he knew one Ghanaian who offered to welcome him but ghosted upon his arrival.

"I knew one person who I called Becoming and he told me 'Let me know freezy, when you come I'll come and meet you at the airport.' But when I got to Heathrow airport he turned me off."

Freezy Macbones further narrated how his boxing journey started in 2017, two years after leaving on the streets of London.

Gyimah has been in the news for the past few days after astonishingly beating experienced boxer Darryl Sharp on his Queenberry debut, which is his second professional victory.

Watch Freezy talk about his desire to travel abroad in the interview below from 4:30

